Search Results for author: Yaoshu Wang

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

BClean: A Bayesian Data Cleaning System

1 code implementation11 Nov 2023 Jianbin Qin, Sifan Huang, Yaoshu Wang, Jing Zhu, Yifan Zhang, Yukai Miao, Rui Mao, Makoto Onizuka, Chuan Xiao

By evaluating on both real-world and synthetic datasets, we demonstrate that BClean is capable of achieving an F-measure of up to 0. 9 in data cleaning, outperforming existing Bayesian methods by 2% and other data cleaning methods by 15%.

Bayesian Inference graph partitioning

Monotonic Cardinality Estimation of Similarity Selection: A Deep Learning Approach

no code implementations15 Feb 2020 Yaoshu Wang, Chuan Xiao, Jianbin Qin, Xin Cao, Yifang Sun, Wei Wang, Makoto Onizuka

The feature extraction model transforms original data and threshold to a Hamming space, in which a deep learning-based regression model is utilized to exploit the incremental property of cardinality w. r. t.

Deep Learning Management +1

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