Search Results for author: Yaqiang Wu

Found 9 papers, 6 papers with code

Transfer and Alignment Network for Generalized Category Discovery

1 code implementation27 Dec 2023 Wenbin An, Feng Tian, Wenkai Shi, Yan Chen, Yaqiang Wu, Qianying Wang, Ping Chen

On the other hand, we use these prototypes to calibrate noisy prototypes estimated from unlabeled data based on category similarities, which allows for more accurate estimation of prototypes for novel categories that can be used as reliable learning targets later.

Attribute Representation Learning +1

Generalized Category Discovery with Large Language Models in the Loop

1 code implementation18 Dec 2023 Wenbin An, Wenkai Shi, Feng Tian, Haonan Lin, Qianying Wang, Yaqiang Wu, Mingxiang Cai, Luyan Wang, Yan Chen, Haiping Zhu, Ping Chen

Then we propose a Scalable Query strategy to allow LLMs to choose true neighbors of the selected samples from multiple candidate samples.

Active Learning Contrastive Learning

GPTR: Gestalt-Perception Transformer for Diagram Object Detection

no code implementations29 Dec 2022 Xin Hu, Lingling Zhang, Jun Liu, Jinfu Fan, Yang You, Yaqiang Wu

These lead to the fact that traditional data-driven detection model is not suitable for diagrams.

Decoder Object +3

MatchVIE: Exploiting Match Relevancy between Entities for Visual Information Extraction

no code implementations24 Jun 2021 Guozhi Tang, Lele Xie, Lianwen Jin, Jiapeng Wang, Jingdong Chen, Zhen Xu, Qianying Wang, Yaqiang Wu, Hui Li

Through key-value matching based on relevancy evaluation, the proposed MatchVIE can bypass the recognitions to various semantics, and simply focuses on the strong relevancy between entities.

Graph Neural Network

Towards an efficient framework for Data Extraction from Chart Images

no code implementations5 May 2021 Weihong Ma, Hesuo Zhang, Shuang Yan, Guangshun Yao, Yichao Huang, Hui Li, Yaqiang Wu, Lianwen Jin

For building a robust point detector, a fully convolutional network with feature fusion module is adopted, which can distinguish close points compared to traditional methods.

Towards Robust Visual Information Extraction in Real World: New Dataset and Novel Solution

1 code implementation24 Jan 2021 Jiapeng Wang, Chongyu Liu, Lianwen Jin, Guozhi Tang, Jiaxin Zhang, Shuaitao Zhang, Qianying Wang, Yaqiang Wu, Mingxiang Cai

Visual information extraction (VIE) has attracted considerable attention recently owing to its various advanced applications such as document understanding, automatic marking and intelligent education.

3D Feature Matching document understanding +2

Decoupled Attention Network for Text Recognition

4 code implementations21 Dec 2019 Tianwei Wang, Yuanzhi Zhu, Lianwen Jin, Canjie Luo, Xiaoxue Chen, Yaqiang Wu, Qianying Wang, Mingxiang Cai

To remedy this issue, we propose a decoupled attention network (DAN), which decouples the alignment operation from using historical decoding results.

Decoder Handwritten Text Recognition +1

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