Search Results for author: Yaser Keneshloo

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

Natural Language Processing Advancements By Deep Learning: A Survey

1 code implementation2 Mar 2020 Amirsina Torfi, Rouzbeh A. Shirvani, Yaser Keneshloo, Nader Tavaf, Edward A. Fox

Natural Language Processing (NLP) helps empower intelligent machines by enhancing a better understanding of the human language for linguistic-based human-computer communication.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +3

Neural Abstractive Text Summarization with Sequence-to-Sequence Models

5 code implementations5 Dec 2018 Tian Shi, Yaser Keneshloo, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chandan K. Reddy

As part of this survey, we also develop an open source library, namely, Neural Abstractive Text Summarizer (NATS) toolkit, for the abstractive text summarization.

Abstractive Text Summarization Language Modeling +3

Deep Transfer Reinforcement Learning for Text Summarization

1 code implementation15 Oct 2018 Yaser Keneshloo, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chandan K. Reddy

Deep neural networks are data hungry models and thus face difficulties when attempting to train on small text datasets.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +3

Deep Reinforcement Learning For Sequence to Sequence Models

3 code implementations24 May 2018 Yaser Keneshloo, Tian Shi, Naren Ramakrishnan, Chandan K. Reddy

In this survey, we consider seq2seq problems from the RL point of view and provide a formulation combining the power of RL methods in decision-making with sequence-to-sequence models that enable remembering long-term memories.

Abstractive Text Summarization Caption Generation +7

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