Search Results for author: Yasmeen George

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

A Physics-based Generative Model to Synthesize Training Datasets for MRI-based Fat Quantification

no code implementations11 Dec 2024 Juan P. Meneses, Yasmeen George, Christoph Hagemeyer, Zhaolin Chen, Sergio Uribe

Deep learning-based techniques have potential to optimize scan and post-processing times required for MRI-based fat quantification, but they are constrained by the lack of large training datasets.

Data Augmentation

Real-time Spatio-temporal Event Detection on Geotagged Social Media

no code implementations23 Jun 2021 Yasmeen George, Shanika Karunasekera, Aaron Harwood, Kwan Hui Lim

First, to address the challenge related to the unknown spatial resolution of events, a quad-tree method is exploited in order to split the geographical space into multiscale regions based on the density of social media data.

Event Detection

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