no code implementations • SIGDIAL (ACL) 2022 • Qiang Xue, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki
However, knowledge-based dialog systems sometimes generate responses without using the retrieved knowledge. In this work, we propose a method in which the knowledge-based dialogue system can constantly utilize the retrieved knowledge using text infilling .
2 code implementations • 22 Oct 2020 • Hascoet Tristan, Yihao Zhang, Persch Andreas, Ryoichi Takashima, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki
Maintaining aging infrastructure is a challenge currently faced by local and national administrators all around the world.
no code implementations • 24 Oct 2019 • Tristan Hascoet, Quentin Febvre, Yasuo Ariki, Tetsuya Takiguchi
This new kind of architecture enables training large neural networks on very limited memory, opening the door for neural network training on embedded devices or non-specialized hardware.
no code implementations • 24 Oct 2019 • Tristan Hascoet, Xuejiao Deng, Kiyoto Tai, Mari Sugiyama, Yuji Adachi, Sachiko Nakamura, Yasuo Ariki, Tomoko Hayashi, Tetusya Takiguchi
Deep Neural Networks are often though to lack interpretability due to the distributed nature of their internal representations.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2019 • Tristan Hascoet, Yasuo Ariki, Tetsuya Takiguchi
We discuss how the presence of this new form of bias allows for a trivial solution to the standard benchmark and conclude on the need for a new benchmark.