Search Results for author: Yatharth Ranjan

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

Large-scale digital phenotyping: identifying depression and anxiety indicators in a general UK population with over 10,000 participants

no code implementations24 Sep 2024 Yuezhou Zhang, Callum Stewart, Yatharth Ranjan, Pauline Conde, Heet Sankesara, Zulqarnain Rashid, Shaoxiong Sun, Richard J B Dobson, Amos A Folarin

We observed significant associations between the severity of depression and anxiety with several factors, including mood, age, gender, BMI, sleep patterns, physical activity, and heart rate.


Disease Insight through Digital Biomarkers Developed by Remotely Collected Wearables and Smartphone Data

no code implementations3 Aug 2023 Zulqarnain Rashid, Amos A Folarin, Yatharth Ranjan, Pauline Conde, Heet Sankesara, Yuezhou Zhang, Shaoxiong Sun, Callum Stewart, Petroula Laiou, Richard JB Dobson

Digital Biomarkers and remote patient monitoring can provide valuable and timely insights into how a patient is coping with their condition (disease progression, treatment response, etc.

Decision Making

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