Search Results for author: Ye Shen

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

PharmacyGPT: The AI Pharmacist

no code implementations19 Jul 2023 Zhengliang Liu, Zihao Wu, Mengxuan Hu, Bokai Zhao, Lin Zhao, Tianyi Zhang, Haixing Dai, Xianyan Chen, Ye Shen, Sheng Li, Quanzheng Li, Xiang Li, Brian Murray, Tianming Liu, Andrea Sikora

In this study, we introduce PharmacyGPT, a novel framework to assess the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and GPT-4 in emulating the role of clinical pharmacists.

AD-AutoGPT: An Autonomous GPT for Alzheimer's Disease Infodemiology

no code implementations16 Jun 2023 Haixing Dai, Yiwei Li, Zhengliang Liu, Lin Zhao, Zihao Wu, Suhang Song, Ye Shen, Dajiang Zhu, Xiang Li, Sheng Li, Xiaobai Yao, Lu Shi, Quanzheng Li, Zhuo Chen, Donglan Zhang, Gengchen Mai, Tianming Liu

In this pioneering study, inspired by AutoGPT, the state-of-the-art open-source application based on the GPT-4 large language model, we develop a novel tool called AD-AutoGPT which can conduct data collection, processing, and analysis about complex health narratives of Alzheimer's Disease in an autonomous manner via users' textual prompts.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

Heterogeneous Synthetic Learner for Panel Data

no code implementations30 Dec 2022 Ye Shen, Runzhe Wan, Hengrui Cai, Rui Song

In the new era of personalization, learning the heterogeneous treatment effect (HTE) becomes an inevitable trend with numerous applications.

Off-Policy Confidence Interval Estimation with Confounded Markov Decision Process

1 code implementation22 Feb 2022 Chengchun Shi, Jin Zhu, Ye Shen, Shikai Luo, Hongtu Zhu, Rui Song

In this paper, we show that with some auxiliary variables that mediate the effect of actions on the system dynamics, the target policy's value is identifiable in a confounded Markov decision process.

Uncertainty Quantification

Doubly Robust Interval Estimation for Optimal Policy Evaluation in Online Learning

no code implementations29 Oct 2021 Ye Shen, Hengrui Cai, Rui Song

We use this probability to conduct valid inference on the online conditional mean estimator under each action and develop the doubly robust interval estimation (DREAM) method to infer the value under the estimated optimal policy in online learning.


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