Search Results for author: Ye Wei

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Derivative-free tree optimization for complex systems

1 code implementation5 Apr 2024 Ye Wei, Bo Peng, Ruiwen Xie, Yangtao Chen, Yu Qin, Peng Wen, Stefan Bauer, Po-Yen Tung

Our method demonstrates wide applicability to a wide range of real-world complex systems spanning materials, physics, and biology, considerably outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms.

From Static to Dynamic Structures: Improving Binding Affinity Prediction with Graph-Based Deep Learning

1 code implementation19 Aug 2022 Yaosen Min, Ye Wei, Peizhuo Wang, Xiaoting Wang, Han Li, Nian Wu, Stefan Bauer, Shuxin Zheng, Yu Shi, Yingheng Wang, Ji Wu, Dan Zhao, Jianyang Zeng

Here, an MD dataset containing 3, 218 different protein-ligand complexes is curated, and Dynaformer, a graph-based deep learning model is further developed to predict the binding affinities by learning the geometric characteristics of the protein-ligand interactions from the MD trajectories.

Drug Discovery

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