Search Results for author: Yee-Hong Yang

Found 18 papers, 6 papers with code

TexGen: Text-Guided 3D Texture Generation with Multi-view Sampling and Resampling

no code implementations2 Aug 2024 Dong Huo, Zixin Guo, Xinxin Zuo, Zhihao Shi, Juwei Lu, Peng Dai, Songcen Xu, Li Cheng, Yee-Hong Yang

For view consistent sampling, first of all we maintain a texture map in RGB space that is parameterized by the denoising step and updated after each sampling step of the diffusion model to progressively reduce the view discrepancy.

Denoising Texture Synthesis

Learning to Recover Spectral Reflectance from RGB Images

1 code implementation4 Apr 2023 Dong Huo, Jian Wang, Yiming Qian, Yee-Hong Yang

Instead of relying on naive end-to-end training, we also propose a novel architecture that integrates the physical relationship between the spectral reflectance and the corresponding RGB images into the network based on our mathematical analysis.

Auxiliary Learning

Glass Segmentation with RGB-Thermal Image Pairs

1 code implementation12 Apr 2022 Dong Huo, Jian Wang, Yiming Qian, Yee-Hong Yang

Due to the large difference between the transmission property of visible light and that of the thermal energy through the glass where most glass is transparent to the visible light but opaque to thermal energy, glass regions of a scene are made more distinguishable with a pair of RGB and thermal images than solely with an RGB image.

Segmentation Thermal Image Segmentation

HIPA: Hierarchical Patch Transformer for Single Image Super Resolution

no code implementations19 Mar 2022 Qing Cai, Yiming Qian, Jinxing Li, Jun Lv, Yee-Hong Yang, Feng Wu, David Zhang

Transformer-based architectures start to emerge in single image super resolution (SISR) and have achieved promising performance.

Image Super-Resolution

Blind Image Deconvolution Using Variational Deep Image Prior

1 code implementation1 Feb 2022 Dong Huo, Abbas Masoumzadeh, Rafsanjany Kushol, Yee-Hong Yang

Conventional deconvolution methods utilize hand-crafted image priors to constrain the optimization.

Image Deconvolution

Blind Non-Uniform Motion Deblurring using Atrous Spatial Pyramid Deformable Convolution and Deblurring-Reblurring Consistency

1 code implementation27 Jun 2021 Dong Huo, Abbas Masoumzadeh, Yee-Hong Yang

In this paper, we propose a new architecture which consists of multiple Atrous Spatial Pyramid Deformable Convolution (ASPDC) modules to deblur an image end-to-end with more flexibility.


Blind Image Super-Resolution with Spatial Context Hallucination

no code implementations25 Sep 2020 Dong Huo, Yee-Hong Yang

Deep convolution neural networks (CNNs) play a critical role in single image super-resolution (SISR) since the amazing improvement of high performance computing.

Blind Super-Resolution Deblurring +3

Online Learnable Keyframe Extraction in Videos and its Application with Semantic Word Vector in Action Recognition

no code implementations25 Sep 2020 G M Mashrur E Elahi, Yee-Hong Yang

Instead, the important frames called keyframes not only are helpful in the recognition of an action but also can reduce the processing time of each video sequence for classification or in other applications, e. g. summarization.

Action Recognition General Classification +1

Do-It-Yourself Single Camera 3D Pointer Input Device

1 code implementation12 Sep 2018 Bernard Llanos, Yee-Hong Yang

We present a new algorithm for single camera 3D reconstruction, or 3D input for human-computer interfaces, based on precise tracking of an elongated object, such as a pen, having a pattern of colored bands.

3D Reconstruction

Simultaneous 3D Reconstruction for Water Surface and Underwater Scene

no code implementations ECCV 2018 Yiming Qian, Yinqiang Zheng, Minglun Gong, Yee-Hong Yang

This paper presents the first approach for simultaneously recovering the 3D shape of both the wavy water surface and the moving underwater scene.

3D Reconstruction Optical Flow Estimation

Texture Classification of MR Images of the Brain in ALS using CoHOG

no code implementations7 Mar 2017 G M Mashrur E Elahi, Sanjay Kalra, Yee-Hong Yang

For the first time we extend a well-known gradient-based method, Co-occurrence Histograms of Oriented Gradients (CoHOG) to extract texture features from 2D Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI).

General Classification Specificity +1

Frequency-Based Environment Matting by Compressive Sensing

no code implementations ICCV 2015 Yiming Qian, Minglun Gong, Yee-Hong Yang

Extracting environment mattes using existing approaches often requires either thousands of captured images or a long processing time, or both.

Compressive Sensing Image Matting

Design and Implementation of a 3D Undersea Camera System

no code implementations7 Apr 2015 Xida Chen, Steve Sutphen, Paul Macoun, Yee-Hong Yang

The goal of our system is to provide a 3D model of the undersea habitat in a long-term continuous manner.

Two-View Camera Housing Parameters Calibration for Multi-Layer Flat Refractive Interface

no code implementations CVPR 2014 Xida Chen, Yee-Hong Yang

At the heart of our method is an important finding that the thickness of the interface can be estimated from a set of pixel correspondences in the stereo images when the refractive axis is given.

3D geometry

Underwater Camera Calibration Using Wavelength Triangulation

no code implementations CVPR 2013 Timothy Yau, Minglun Gong, Yee-Hong Yang

In underwater imagery, the image formation process includes refractions that occur when light passes from water into the camera housing, typically through a flat glass port.

Camera Calibration

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