Search Results for author: Yejin Cho

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Prometheus: Inducing Fine-grained Evaluation Capability in Language Models

3 code implementations12 Oct 2023 Seungone Kim, Jamin Shin, Yejin Cho, Joel Jang, Shayne Longpre, Hwaran Lee, Sangdoo Yun, Seongjin Shin, Sungdong Kim, James Thorne, Minjoon Seo

We first construct the Feedback Collection, a new dataset that consists of 1K fine-grained score rubrics, 20K instructions, and 100K responses and language feedback generated by GPT-4.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

Disentangling Structure and Style: Political Bias Detection in News by Inducing Document Hierarchy

no code implementations5 Apr 2023 Jiwoo Hong, Yejin Cho, Jaemin Jung, Jiyoung Han, James Thorne

Our approach overcomes this limitation by considering both the sentence-level semantics and the document-level rhetorical structure, resulting in a more robust and style-agnostic approach to detecting political bias in news articles.

Bias Detection Document Classification +1

Leveraging WordNet Paths for Neural Hypernym Prediction

1 code implementation COLING 2020 Yejin Cho, Juan Diego Rodriguez, Yifan Gao, Katrin Erk

We formulate the problem of hypernym prediction as a sequence generation task, where the sequences are taxonomy paths in WordNet.


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