Search Results for author: Yen-Yu Chang

Found 12 papers, 4 papers with code

Learning Electron Bunch Distribution along a FEL Beamline by Normalising Flows

no code implementations27 Feb 2023 Anna Willmann, Jurjen Couperus Cabadağ, Yen-Yu Chang, Richard Pausch, Amin Ghaith, Alexander Debus, Arie Irman, Michael Bussmann, Ulrich Schramm, Nico Hoffmann

Understanding and control of Laser-driven Free Electron Lasers remain to be difficult problems that require highly intensive experimental and theoretical research.

Normalising Flows

ObjectFolder 2.0: A Multisensory Object Dataset for Sim2Real Transfer

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Ruohan Gao, Zilin Si, Yen-Yu Chang, Samuel Clarke, Jeannette Bohg, Li Fei-Fei, Wenzhen Yuan, Jiajun Wu

We present ObjectFolder 2. 0, a large-scale, multisensory dataset of common household objects in the form of implicit neural representations that significantly enhances ObjectFolder 1. 0 in three aspects.


Data-Driven Shadowgraph Simulation of a 3D Object

no code implementations1 Jun 2021 Anna Willmann, Patrick Stiller, Alexander Debus, Arie Irman, Richard Pausch, Yen-Yu Chang, Michael Bussmann, Nico Hoffmann

In this work we propose a deep neural network based surrogate model for a plasma shadowgraph - a technique for visualization of perturbations in a transparent medium.


F-FADE: Frequency Factorization for Anomaly Detection in Edge Streams

1 code implementation9 Nov 2020 Yen-Yu Chang, Pan Li, Rok Sosic, M. H. Afifi, Marco Schweighauser, Jure Leskovec

Edge streams are commonly used to capture interactions in dynamic networks, such as email, social, or computer networks.

Anomaly Detection Anomaly Detection in Edge Streams

A Regulation Enforcement Solution for Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations29 Jan 2019 Fan-Yun Sun, Yen-Yu Chang, Yueh-Hua Wu, Shou-De Lin

If artificially intelligent (AI) agents make decisions on behalf of human beings, we would hope they can also follow established regulations while interacting with humans or other AI agents.

AI Agent Management +4

A Memory-Network Based Solution for Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting

2 code implementations6 Sep 2018 Yen-Yu Chang, Fan-Yun Sun, Yueh-Hua Wu, Shou-De Lin

Inspired by Memory Network proposed for solving the question-answering task, we propose a deep learning based model named Memory Time-series network (MTNet) for time series forecasting.

Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Question Answering +1

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