no code implementations • 24 Sep 2023 • Yeonghyeon Lee, Inmo Yeon, Juhan Nam, Joon Son Chung
This paper presents VoiceLDM, a model designed to produce audio that accurately follows two distinct natural language text prompts: the description prompt and the content prompt.
1 code implementation • 1 Jul 2022 • Yeonghyeon Lee, Kangwook Jang, Jahyun Goo, Youngmoon Jung, Hoirin Kim
Our method reduces the model to 23. 8% in size and 35. 9% in inference time compared to HuBERT.
no code implementations • 4 Apr 2022 • Youngsik Eom, Yeonghyeon Lee, Ji Sub Um, Hoirin Kim
Furthermore, we show that the proposed system improves performance in low-resource and cross-dataset settings of anti-spoofing task significantly, demonstrating that our system is also robust in terms of data size and data distribution.