Search Results for author: Yeonghyeon Lee

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

VoiceLDM: Text-to-Speech with Environmental Context

no code implementations24 Sep 2023 Yeonghyeon Lee, Inmo Yeon, Juhan Nam, Joon Son Chung

This paper presents VoiceLDM, a model designed to produce audio that accurately follows two distinct natural language text prompts: the description prompt and the content prompt.

AudioCaps Text to Speech

Anti-Spoofing Using Transfer Learning with Variational Information Bottleneck

no code implementations4 Apr 2022 Youngsik Eom, Yeonghyeon Lee, Ji Sub Um, Hoirin Kim

Furthermore, we show that the proposed system improves performance in low-resource and cross-dataset settings of anti-spoofing task significantly, demonstrating that our system is also robust in terms of data size and data distribution.

Speaker Verification Text to Speech +2

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