Search Results for author: Yi-Chia Wang

Found 11 papers, 4 papers with code

Examining the Role of Relationship Alignment in Large Language Models

no code implementations2 Oct 2024 Kristen M. Altenburger, Hongda Jiang, Robert E. Kraut, Yi-Chia Wang, Jane Dwivedi-Yu

However, Part II results show that even without including social context information in the prompt, LLM-generated comments and human comments are equally sensitive to social context, suggesting that LLMs can comprehend semantics from the original post alone.

MART: Improving LLM Safety with Multi-round Automatic Red-Teaming

no code implementations13 Nov 2023 Suyu Ge, Chunting Zhou, Rui Hou, Madian Khabsa, Yi-Chia Wang, Qifan Wang, Jiawei Han, Yuning Mao

Specifically, an adversarial LLM and a target LLM interplay with each other in an iterative manner, where the adversarial LLM aims to generate challenging prompts that elicit unsafe responses from the target LLM, while the target LLM is fine-tuned with safety aligned data on these adversarial prompts.

Instruction Following Response Generation +1

Modeling Motivational Interviewing Strategies On An Online Peer-to-Peer Counseling Platform

no code implementations9 Nov 2022 Raj Sanjay Shah, Faye Holt, Shirley Anugrah Hayati, Aastha Agarwal, Yi-Chia Wang, Robert E. Kraut, Diyi Yang

This work provides a deeper understanding of the use of motivational interviewing techniques on peer-to-peer counselor platforms and sheds light on how to build better training programs for volunteer counselors on online platforms.

COFFEE: Counterfactual Fairness for Personalized Text Generation in Explainable Recommendation

no code implementations14 Oct 2022 Nan Wang, Qifan Wang, Yi-Chia Wang, Maziar Sanjabi, Jingzhou Liu, Hamed Firooz, Hongning Wang, Shaoliang Nie

However, the bias inherent in user written text, often used for PTG model training, can inadvertently associate different levels of linguistic quality with users' protected attributes.

counterfactual Counterfactual Inference +4

The Moral Integrity Corpus: A Benchmark for Ethical Dialogue Systems

2 code implementations ACL 2022 Caleb Ziems, Jane A. Yu, Yi-Chia Wang, Alon Halevy, Diyi Yang

In this work, we introduce a new resource, not to authoritatively resolve moral ambiguities, but instead to facilitate systematic understanding of the intuitions, values and moral judgments reflected in the utterances of dialogue systems.

Attribute Benchmarking

Can You be More Social? Injecting Politeness and Positivity into Task-Oriented Conversational Agents

no code implementations29 Dec 2020 Yi-Chia Wang, Alexandros Papangelis, Runze Wang, Zhaleh Feizollahi, Gokhan Tur, Robert Kraut

The second component of the research is the construction of a conversational agent model capable of injecting social language into an agent's responses while still preserving content.

Plato Dialogue System: A Flexible Conversational AI Research Platform

4 code implementations17 Jan 2020 Alexandros Papangelis, Mahdi Namazifar, Chandra Khatri, Yi-Chia Wang, Piero Molino, Gokhan Tur

Plato has been designed to be easy to understand and debug and is agnostic to the underlying learning frameworks that train each component.

Spoken Dialogue Systems

COTA: Improving the Speed and Accuracy of Customer Support through Ranking and Deep Networks

no code implementations3 Jul 2018 Piero Molino, Huaixiu Zheng, Yi-Chia Wang

For a company looking to provide delightful user experiences, it is of paramount importance to take care of any customer issues.

Answer Selection Classification +3

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