Search Results for author: Yi-Min Tsai

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

Cascaded Local Implicit Transformer for Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Hao-Wei Chen, Yu-Syuan Xu, Min-Fong Hong, Yi-Min Tsai, Hsien-Kai Kuo, Chun-Yi Lee

Implicit neural representation has recently shown a promising ability in representing images with arbitrary resolutions.


Self-Supervised Robustifying Guidance for Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction

1 code implementation29 Dec 2021 Hitika Tiwari, Min-Hung Chen, Yi-Min Tsai, Hsien-Kai Kuo, Hung-Jen Chen, Kevin Jou, K. S. Venkatesh, Yong-Sheng Chen

Therefore, we propose a Self-Supervised RObustifying GUidancE (ROGUE) framework to obtain robustness against occlusions and noise in the face images.

3D Face Reconstruction

Learning to Compensate: A Deep Neural Network Framework for 5G Power Amplifier Compensation

no code implementations15 Jun 2021 Po-Yu Chen, Hao Chen, Yi-Min Tsai, Hsien-Kai Kuo, Hantao Huang, Hsin-Hung Chen, Sheng-Hong Yan, Wei-Lun Ou, Chia-Ming Cheng

In the proposed framework, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are used to learn the characteristics of the PAs, while, correspondent Digital Pre-Distortions (DPDs) are also learned to compensate for the nonlinear and memory effects of PAs.

Network Space Search for Pareto-Efficient Spaces

no code implementations22 Apr 2021 Min-Fong Hong, Hao-Yun Chen, Min-Hung Chen, Yu-Syuan Xu, Hsien-Kai Kuo, Yi-Min Tsai, Hung-Jen Chen, Kevin Jou

We propose an NSS method to directly search for efficient-aware network spaces automatically, reducing the manual effort and immense cost in discovering satisfactory ones.

Neural Architecture Search

Unified Dynamic Convolutional Network for Super-Resolution with Variational Degradations

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Yu-Syuan Xu, Shou-Yao Roy Tseng, Yu Tseng, Hsien-Kai Kuo, Yi-Min Tsai

In SISR with non-blind setting, our Unified Dynamic Convolutional Network for Variational Degradations (UDVD) is evaluated on both synthetic and real images with an extensive set of variations.

Image Super-Resolution

Architecture-aware Network Pruning for Vision Quality Applications

no code implementations5 Aug 2019 Wei-Ting Wang, Han-Lin Li, Wei-Shiang Lin, Cheng-Ming Chiang, Yi-Min Tsai

Convolutional neural network (CNN) delivers impressive achievements in computer vision and machine learning field.

Network Pruning Super-Resolution

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