Search Results for author: Yi-Ting Huang

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Approach to Predicting News -- A Precise Multi-LSTM Network With BERT

1 code implementation26 Apr 2022 Chia-Lin Chen, Pei-Yu Huang, Yi-Ting Huang, Chun Lin

According to the V-Dem annual democracy report 2019, Taiwan is one of the two countries that got disseminated false information from foreign governments the most.

Document Embedding Sentence +2

Learning Malware Representation based on Execution Sequences

no code implementations16 Dec 2019 Yi-Ting Huang, Ting-Yi Chen, Yeali S. Sun, Meng Chang Chen

The encoder comprises gated recurrent units (GRU) to preserve the ordinal position of API calls and a self-attention mechanism for comparing intra-relations among different positions of API calls.

Malware Analysis

From Receptive to Productive: Learning to Use Confusing Words through Automatically Selected Example Sentences

no code implementations WS 2019 Chieh-Yang Huang, Yi-Ting Huang, Mei-Hua Chen, Lun-Wei Ku

In this study, students learn to differentiate the confusing words by reading the example sentences, and then choose the appropriate word(s) to complete the sentence translation task.

Sentence Translation

Characterizing the Influence of Features on Reading Difficulty Estimation for Non-native Readers

no code implementations29 Aug 2018 Yi-Ting Huang, Meng Chang Chen, Yeali S. Sun

In recent years, the number of people studying English as a second language (ESL) has surpassed the number of native speakers.

Information Retrieval Novel Concepts +1

Bringing personalized learning into computer-aided question generation

no code implementations29 Aug 2018 Yi-Ting Huang, Meng Chang Chen, Yeali S. Sun

This paper proposes a novel and statistical method of ability estimation based on acquisition distribution for a personalized computer aided question generation.

Question Generation Question-Generation

Development and Evaluation of a Personalized Computer-aided Question Generation for English Learners to Improve Proficiency and Correct Mistakes

no code implementations29 Aug 2018 Yi-Ting Huang, Meng Chang Chen, Yeali S. Sun

In this work, we present a personalized computer aided question generation that generates multiple choice questions at various difficulty levels and types, including vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension.

Multiple-choice Question Generation +2

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