Search Results for author: Yibo Li

Found 14 papers, 5 papers with code

FineMolTex: Towards Fine-grained Molecular Graph-Text Pre-training

no code implementations21 Sep 2024 Yibo Li, Yuan Fang, Mengmei Zhang, Chuan Shi

Specifically, FineMolTex consists of two pre-training tasks: a contrastive alignment task for coarse-grained matching and a masked multi-modal modeling task for fine-grained matching.

Drug Discovery molecular representation +1

Less is More: on the Over-Globalizing Problem in Graph Transformers

1 code implementation2 May 2024 Yujie Xing, Xiao Wang, Yibo Li, Hai Huang, Chuan Shi

Then we propose a novel Bi-Level Global Graph Transformer with Collaborative Training (CoBFormer), including the inter-cluster and intra-cluster Transformers, to prevent the over-globalizing problem while keeping the ability to extract valuable information from distant nodes.

Graph Fairness Learning under Distribution Shifts

no code implementations30 Jan 2024 Yibo Li, Xiao Wang, Yujie Xing, Shaohua Fan, Ruijia Wang, Yaoqi Liu, Chuan Shi

Recently, there has been an increasing interest in ensuring fairness on GNNs, but all of them are under the assumption that the training and testing data are under the same distribution, i. e., training data and testing data are from the same graph.


DeepRLI: A Multi-objective Framework for Universal Protein--Ligand Interaction Prediction

1 code implementation19 Jan 2024 Haoyu Lin, Shiwei Wang, Jintao Zhu, Yibo Li, Jianfeng Pei, Luhua Lai

In order to equip the model to generalize to conformations beyond the confines of crystal structures and to adapt to molecular docking and virtual screening tasks, we propose a multi-objective strategy, that is, the model outputs three scores for scoring and ranking, docking, and screening, and the training process optimizes these three objectives simultaneously.

Contrastive Learning Molecular Docking +1

A Generalized Neural Diffusion Framework on Graphs

no code implementations14 Dec 2023 Yibo Li, Xiao Wang, Hongrui Liu, Chuan Shi

In this paper, we propose a general diffusion equation framework with the fidelity term, which formally establishes the relationship between the diffusion process with more GNNs.

Towards Graph Foundation Models: A Survey and Beyond

no code implementations18 Oct 2023 Jiawei Liu, Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Lu, Junze Chen, Yibo Li, Mengmei Zhang, Ting Bai, Yuan Fang, Lichao Sun, Philip S. Yu, Chuan Shi

Foundation models have emerged as critical components in a variety of artificial intelligence applications, and showcase significant success in natural language processing and several other domains.

Graph Learning Survey

Improving Table Structure Recognition with Visual-Alignment Sequential Coordinate Modeling

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Yongshuai Huang, Ning Lu, Dapeng Chen, Yibo Li, Zecheng Xie, Shenggao Zhu, Liangcai Gao, Wei Peng

The ablation study also validates that the proposed coordinate sequence decoder and the visual-alignment loss are the keys to the success of our method.

Decoder Image to text

Synthesis-driven design of 3D molecules for structure-based drug discovery using geometric transformers

no code implementations31 Dec 2022 Yibo Li, Jianfeng Pei, Luhua Lai

Finding drug-like compounds with high bioactivity is essential for drug discovery, but the task is complicated by the high cost of chemical synthesis and validation.

Drug Discovery

Space4HGNN: A Novel, Modularized and Reproducible Platform to Evaluate Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network

1 code implementation18 Feb 2022 Tianyu Zhao, Cheng Yang, Yibo Li, Quan Gan, Zhenyi Wang, Fengqi Liang, Huan Zhao, Yingxia Shao, Xiao Wang, Chuan Shi

Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network (HGNN) has been successfully employed in various tasks, but we cannot accurately know the importance of different design dimensions of HGNNs due to diverse architectures and applied scenarios.

Graph Neural Network

Automatic Description Construction for Math Expression via Topic Relation Graph

no code implementations24 Apr 2021 Ke Yuan, Zuoyu Yan, Yibo Li, Liangcai Gao, Zhi Tang

In the Selector, a Topic Relation Graph (TRG) is proposed to obtain the relevant documents which contain the comprehensive information of math expressions.

Math Relation

Learning to design drug-like molecules in three-dimensional space using deep generative models

no code implementations17 Apr 2021 Yibo Li, Jianfeng Pei, Luhua Lai

The architecture of L-Net is specifically optimized for drug-like molecules, and a set of metrics is assembled to comprehensively evaluate its performance.


DeepScaffold: a comprehensive tool for scaffold-based de novo drug discovery using deep learning

no code implementations20 Aug 2019 Yibo Li, Jianxing Hu, Yanxing Wang, Jielong Zhou, Liangren Zhang, Zhenming Liu

Furthermore, the generated compounds were evaluated by molecular docking in DRD2 targets and the results demonstrated that this approach can be effectively applied to solve several drug design problems, including the generation of compounds containing a given scaffold and de novo drug design of potential drug candidates with specific docking scores.

Drug Discovery Molecular Docking

Multi-Objective De Novo Drug Design with Conditional Graph Generative Model

1 code implementation18 Jan 2018 Yibo Li, Liangren Zhang, Zhenming Liu

Recently, deep generative models have revealed itself as a promising way of performing de novo molecule design.


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