Search Results for author: Yichen Xu

Found 14 papers, 6 papers with code

VersaT2I: Improving Text-to-Image Models with Versatile Reward

no code implementations27 Mar 2024 Jianshu Guo, Wenhao Chai, Jie Deng, Hsiang-Wei Huang, Tian Ye, Yichen Xu, Jiawei Zhang, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Gaoang Wang

Recent text-to-image (T2I) models have benefited from large-scale and high-quality data, demonstrating impressive performance.

URHand: Universal Relightable Hands

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Zhaoxi Chen, Gyeongsik Moon, Kaiwen Guo, Chen Cao, Stanislav Pidhorskyi, Tomas Simon, Rohan Joshi, Yuan Dong, Yichen Xu, Bernardo Pires, He Wen, Lucas Evans, Bo Peng, Julia Buffalini, Autumn Trimble, Kevyn McPhail, Melissa Schoeller, Shoou-I Yu, Javier Romero, Michael Zollhöfer, Yaser Sheikh, Ziwei Liu, Shunsuke Saito

To simplify the personalization process while retaining photorealism, we build a powerful universal relightable prior based on neural relighting from multi-view images of hands captured in a light stage with hundreds of identities.

Devil in the Number: Towards Robust Multi-modality Data Filter

no code implementations24 Sep 2023 Yichen Xu, Zihan Xu, Wenhao Chai, Zhonghan Zhao, Enxin Song, Gaoang Wang

In order to appropriately filter multi-modality data sets on a web-scale, it becomes crucial to employ suitable filtering methods to boost performance and reduce training costs.

A Survey on Pretrained Language Models for Neural Code Intelligence

no code implementations20 Dec 2022 Yichen Xu, Yanqiao Zhu

As the complexity of modern software continues to escalate, software engineering has become an increasingly daunting and error-prone endeavor.

Code Summarization Survey

A Secure and Efficient Multi-Object Grasping Detection Approach for Robotic Arms

no code implementations8 Sep 2022 Hui Wang, Jieren Cheng, Yichen Xu, Sirui Ni, Zaijia Yang, Jiangpeng Li

However, with wide applications of deep learning in robotic arms, there are new challenges such as the allocation of grasping computing power and the growing demand for security.

Decoder Deep Learning +1

A Survey on Deep Graph Generation: Methods and Applications

no code implementations13 Mar 2022 Yanqiao Zhu, Yuanqi Du, Yinkai Wang, Yichen Xu, Jieyu Zhang, Qiang Liu, Shu Wu

In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive review on the existing literature of deep graph generation from a variety of emerging methods to its wide application areas.

Graph Generation Graph Learning +1

An Empirical Study of Graph Contrastive Learning

2 code implementations2 Sep 2021 Yanqiao Zhu, Yichen Xu, Qiang Liu, Shu Wu

We envision this work to provide useful empirical evidence of effective GCL algorithms and offer several insights for future research.

Graph Classification Management +1

Structure-Aware Hard Negative Mining for Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning

no code implementations31 Aug 2021 Yanqiao Zhu, Yichen Xu, Hejie Cui, Carl Yang, Qiang Liu, Shu Wu

Recently, heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have become a de facto model for analyzing HGs, while most of them rely on a relative large number of labeled data.

Contrastive Learning

Disentangled Self-Attentive Neural Networks for Click-Through Rate Prediction

2 code implementations11 Jan 2021 Yichen Xu, Yanqiao Zhu, Feng Yu, Qiang Liu, Shu Wu

To better model complex feature interaction, in this paper we propose a novel DisentanglEd Self-atTentIve NEtwork (DESTINE) framework for CTR prediction that explicitly decouples the computation of unary feature importance from pairwise interaction.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Computational Efficiency +1

Graph Contrastive Learning with Adaptive Augmentation

1 code implementation27 Oct 2020 Yanqiao Zhu, Yichen Xu, Feng Yu, Qiang Liu, Shu Wu, Liang Wang

On the node attribute level, we corrupt node features by adding more noise to unimportant node features, to enforce the model to recognize underlying semantic information.

Attribute Contrastive Learning +3

CAGNN: Cluster-Aware Graph Neural Networks for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning

no code implementations3 Sep 2020 Yanqiao Zhu, Yichen Xu, Feng Yu, Shu Wu, Liang Wang

In CAGNN, we perform clustering on the node embeddings and update the model parameters by predicting the cluster assignments.

Clustering Graph Neural Network +2

Deep Graph Contrastive Representation Learning

3 code implementations7 Jun 2020 Yanqiao Zhu, Yichen Xu, Feng Yu, Qiang Liu, Shu Wu, Liang Wang

Moreover, our unsupervised method even surpasses its supervised counterparts on transductive tasks, demonstrating its great potential in real-world applications.

Attribute Contrastive Learning +3

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