Search Results for author: Yiding Wang

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Scaling Law for Language Models Training Considering Batch Size

no code implementations2 Dec 2024 Xian Shuai, Yiding Wang, Yimeng Wu, Xin Jiang, Xiaozhe Ren

In this paper, we empirically investigate how a critical hyper-parameter, i. e., the global batch size, influences the LLM training prdocess.

Chain of Images for Intuitively Reasoning

1 code implementation9 Nov 2023 Fanxu Meng, Haotong Yang, Yiding Wang, Muhan Zhang

The human brain is naturally equipped to comprehend and interpret visual information rapidly.

Common Sense Reasoning Language Modelling +3

MaxMin-L2-SVC-NCH: A Novel Approach for Support Vector Classifier Training and Parameter Selection

no code implementations14 Jul 2023 Linkai Luo, Qiaoling Yang, Hong Peng, Yiding Wang, Ziyang Chen

We first formulate the training and parameter selection of SVC as a minimax optimization problem named as MaxMin-L2-SVC-NCH, in which the minimization problem is an optimization problem of finding the closest points between two normal convex hulls (L2-SVC-NCH) while the maximization problem is an optimization problem of finding the optimal Gaussian kernel parameters.

Egeria: Efficient DNN Training with Knowledge-Guided Layer Freezing

no code implementations17 Jan 2022 Yiding Wang, Decang Sun, Kai Chen, Fan Lai, Mosharaf Chowdhury

To explore this, we first introduce the notion of training plasticity to quantify the training progress of internal DNN layers.


A Multitask Deep Learning Approach for User Depression Detection on Sina Weibo

no code implementations26 Aug 2020 Yiding Wang, Zhenyi Wang, Chenghao Li, Yilin Zhang, Haizhou Wang

In recent years, due to the mental burden of depression, the number of people who endanger their lives has been increasing rapidly.

Classification Depression Detection +2

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