1 code implementation • 18 Nov 2024 • Weixian Waylon Li, Yftah Ziser, Yifei Xie, Shay B. Cohen, Tiejun Ma
TSPRank reframes the ranking problem as a Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), a well-known combinatorial optimisation challenge that has been extensively studied for its numerous solution algorithms and applications.
no code implementations • 21 Jan 2021 • Youssef M. Aboutaleb, Mazen Danaf, Yifei Xie, Moshe Ben-Akiva
This paper discusses capabilities that are essential to models applied in policy analysis settings and the limitations of direct applications of off-the-shelf machine learning methodologies to such settings.
no code implementations • 14 Jan 2020 • Youssef M. Aboutaleb, Mazen Danaf, Yifei Xie, Moshe Ben-Akiva
We propose a new estimator, called MISC, that uses a mixed-integer optimization (MIO) program to find an optimal block diagonal structure specification for the covariance matrix, corresponding to subsets of correlated coefficients, for any desired sparsity level using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) posterior draws from the unrestricted full covariance matrix.