Search Results for author: Yijia Wang

Found 13 papers, 2 papers with code

A multi-source data power load forecasting method using attention mechanism-based parallel cnn-gru

no code implementations26 Sep 2024 Chao Min, Yijia Wang, Bo Zhang, Xin Ma, Junyi Cui

From the model-agnostic perspective, this paper proposes a parallel structure network to extract important information from both dynamic and static data.

Learning Theory Load Forecasting

Regularized Contrastive Partial Multi-view Outlier Detection

no code implementations2 Aug 2024 Yijia Wang, Qianqian Xu, Yangbangyan Jiang, Siran Dai, Qingming Huang

In recent years, multi-view outlier detection (MVOD) methods have advanced significantly, aiming to identify outliers within multi-view datasets.

Attribute Contrastive Learning +1

Towards Generalized Inverse Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations11 Feb 2024 Chaosheng Dong, Yijia Wang

This paper studies generalized inverse reinforcement learning (GIRL) in Markov decision processes (MDPs), that is, the problem of learning the basic components of an MDP given observed behavior (policy) that might not be optimal.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

Data-Centric Financial Large Language Models

no code implementations7 Oct 2023 Zhixuan Chu, Huaiyu Guo, Xinyuan Zhou, Yijia Wang, Fei Yu, Hong Chen, Wanqing Xu, Xin Lu, Qing Cui, Longfei Li, Jun Zhou, Sheng Li

Large language models (LLMs) show promise for natural language tasks but struggle when applied directly to complex domains like finance.

Financial Analysis

qecGPT: decoding Quantum Error-correcting Codes with Generative Pre-trained Transformers

1 code implementation18 Jul 2023 Hanyan Cao, Feng Pan, Yijia Wang, Pan Zhang

Our framework is general and can be applied to any error model and quantum codes with different topologies such as surface codes and quantum LDPC codes.


Prediction of single well production rate in water-flooding oil fields driven by the fusion of static, temporal and spatial information

no code implementations22 Feb 2023 Chao Min, Yijia Wang, Huohai Yang, Wei Zhao

In this study, a novel machine learning model is constructed to fuse the static geological information, dynamic well production history, and spatial information of the adjacent water injection wells.

Faster Approximate Dynamic Programming by Freezing Slow States

no code implementations3 Jan 2023 Yijia Wang, Daniel R. Jiang

We consider infinite horizon Markov decision processes (MDPs) with fast-slow structure, meaning that certain parts of the state space move "fast" (and in a sense, are more influential) while other parts transition more "slowly."

Eigen mode selection in human subject game experiment

no code implementations17 Apr 2022 Zhijian Wang, Qinmei Yao, Yijia Wang

Eigen mode selection ought to be a practical issue in some real game systems, as it is a practical issue in the dynamics behaviour of a building, bridge, or molecular, because of the mathematical similarity in theory.

One Backward from Ten Forward, Subsampling for Large-Scale Deep Learning

no code implementations27 Apr 2021 Chaosheng Dong, Xiaojie Jin, Weihao Gao, Yijia Wang, Hongyi Zhang, Xiang Wu, Jianchao Yang, Xiaobing Liu

Deep learning models in large-scale machine learning systems are often continuously trained with enormous data from production environments.

Inverse Multiobjective Optimization Through Online Learning

no code implementations12 Oct 2020 Chaosheng Dong, Yijia Wang, Bo Zeng

We study the problem of learning the objective functions or constraints of a multiobjective decision making model, based on a set of sequentially arrived decisions.

Decision Making Multiobjective Optimization

Dynamic Subgoal-based Exploration via Bayesian Optimization

1 code implementation21 Oct 2019 Yijia Wang, Matthias Poloczek, Daniel R. Jiang

Reinforcement learning in sparse-reward navigation environments with expensive and limited interactions is challenging and poses a need for effective exploration.

Bayesian Optimization Efficient Exploration +2

Using experimental game theory to transit human values to ethical AI

no code implementations16 Nov 2017 Yijia Wang, Yan Wan, Zhijian Wang

Knowing the reflection of game theory and ethics, we develop a mathematical representation to bridge the gap between the concepts in moral philosophy (e. g., Kantian and Utilitarian) and AI ethics industry technology standard (e. g., IEEE P7000 standard series for Ethical AI).

Ethics Philosophy

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