Search Results for author: Yilei Zhang

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Optimizing Collaboration of LLM based Agents for Finite Element Analysis

no code implementations23 Aug 2024 Chuan Tian, Yilei Zhang

This paper investigates the interactions between multiple agents within Large Language Models (LLMs) in the context of programming and coding tasks.

KLIF: An optimized spiking neuron unit for tuning surrogate gradient slope and membrane potential

no code implementations18 Feb 2023 Chunming Jiang, Yilei Zhang

In this paper, we propose a novel k-based leaky Integrate-and-Fire (KLIF) neuron model to improve the learning ability of SNNs.

A noise based novel strategy for faster SNN training

no code implementations10 Nov 2022 Chunming Jiang, Yilei Zhang

With spike-based BP, training high-precision SNNs typically consumes dozens of times more computational resources and time than their ANN counterparts.

Spiking sampling network for image sparse representation and dynamic vision sensor data compression

no code implementations8 Nov 2022 Chunming Jiang, Yilei Zhang

Sparse representation has attracted great attention because it can greatly save storage re- sources and find representative features of data in a low-dimensional space.

Data Compression Denoising +2

Adversarial Defense via Neural Oscillation inspired Gradient Masking

no code implementations4 Nov 2022 Chunming Jiang, Yilei Zhang

Furthermore, we propose a defense method that changes model's gradients by replacing the form of oscillation, which hides the original training gradients and confuses the attacker into using gradients of 'fake' neurons to generate invalid adversarial samples.

Adversarial Defense

FocalClick: Towards Practical Interactive Image Segmentation

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Xi Chen, Zhiyan Zhao, Yilei Zhang, Manni Duan, Donglian Qi, Hengshuang Zhao

To make the model work with preexisting masks, we formulate a sub-task termed Interactive Mask Correction, and propose Progressive Merge as the solution.

Ranked #2 on Interactive Segmentation on DAVIS (using extra training data)

Image Segmentation Interactive Segmentation +2

Conditional Diffusion for Interactive Segmentation

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Xi Chen, Zhiyan Zhao, Feiwu Yu, Yilei Zhang, Manni Duan

In click-based interactive segmentation, the mask extraction process is dictated by positive/negative user clicks; however, most existing methods do not fully exploit the user cues, requiring excessive numbers of clicks for satisfactory results.

Interactive Segmentation Segmentation

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