Search Results for author: Yilin Liu

Found 16 papers, 10 papers with code

生成模型在层次结构极限多标签文本分类中的应用(Generation Model for Hierarchical Extreme Multi-label Text Classification)

no code implementations CCL 2022 Linqing Chen, Dawang He, Yansi Xiao, Yilin Liu, Jianping Lu, Weilei Wang

“层次结构极限多标签文本分类是自然语言处理研究领域中一个重要而又具有挑战性的课题。该任务类别标签数量巨大且自成体系, 标签与标签之间还具有不同层级间的依赖关系或同层次间的相关性, 这些特性进一步增加了任务难度。该文提出将层次结构极限多标签文本分类任务视为序列转换问题, 将输出标签视为序列, 从而可以直接从数十万标签中生成与文本相关的类别标签。通过软约束机制和词表复合映射在解码过程中利用标签之间的层次结构与相关信息。实验结果表明, 该文提出的方法与基线模型相比取得了有意义的性能提升。进一步分析表明, 该方法不仅可以捕获利用不同层级标签之间的上下位关系, 还对极限多标签体系自身携带的噪声具有一定容错能力。”

Multi Label Text Classification Multi-Label Text Classification +1

SinoSynth: A Physics-based Domain Randomization Approach for Generalizable CBCT Image Enhancement

1 code implementation27 Sep 2024 Yunkui Pang, Yilin Liu, Xu Chen, Pew-Thian Yap, Jun Lian

To address this, we present SinoSynth, a physics-based degradation model that simulates various CBCT-specific artifacts to generate a diverse set of synthetic CBCT images from high-quality CT images without requiring pre-aligned data.

Image Enhancement Image-to-Image Translation

Generating 3D House Wireframes with Semantics

1 code implementation17 Jul 2024 Xueqi Ma, Yilin Liu, Wenjun Zhou, Ruowei Wang, Hui Huang

We present a new approach for generating 3D house wireframes with semantic enrichment using an autoregressive model.


Split-and-Fit: Learning B-Reps via Structure-Aware Voronoi Partitioning

1 code implementation7 Jun 2024 Yilin Liu, Jiale Chen, Shanshan Pan, Daniel Cohen-Or, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang

We design a neural network to predict the Voronoi diagram from an input point cloud or distance field via a binary classification.

Binary Classification

Circle Representation for Medical Instance Object Segmentation

1 code implementation18 Mar 2024 Juming Xiong, Ethan H. Nguyen, Yilin Liu, Ruining Deng, Regina N Tyree, Hernan Correa, Girish Hiremath, Yaohong Wang, Haichun Yang, Agnes B. Fogo, Yuankai Huo

Recently, circle representation has been introduced for medical imaging, designed specifically to enhance the detection of instance objects that are spherically shaped (e. g., cells, glomeruli, and nuclei).

Instance Segmentation Object +2

Deep Learning-Based Open Source Toolkit for Eosinophil Detection in Pediatric Eosinophilic Esophagitis

1 code implementation11 Aug 2023 Juming Xiong, Yilin Liu, Ruining Deng, Regina N Tyree, Hernan Correa, Girish Hiremath, Yaohong Wang, Yuankai Huo

Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic, immune/antigen-mediated esophageal disease, characterized by symptoms related to esophageal dysfunction and histological evidence of eosinophil-dominant inflammation.

Ensemble Learning object-detection +1

The Devil is in the Upsampling: Architectural Decisions Made Simpler for Denoising with Deep Image Prior

2 code implementations ICCV 2023 Yilin Liu, Jiang Li, Yunkui Pang, Dong Nie, Pew-Thian Yap

Existing methods mostly handcraft or search for the architecture from a large design space, due to the lack of understanding on how the architectural choice corresponds to the image.

Image Denoising

Learning Reconstructability for Drone Aerial Path Planning

no code implementations21 Sep 2022 Yilin Liu, Liqiang Lin, Yue Hu, Ke Xie, Chi-Wing Fu, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang

To reconstruct a new urban scene, we first build the 3D scene proxy, then rely on the predicted reconstruction quality and uncertainty measures by our network, based off of the proxy geometry, to guide the drone path planning.

3D Scene Reconstruction

Real-Time Mapping of Tissue Properties for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting

no code implementations16 Jul 2021 Yilin Liu, Yong Chen, Pew-Thian Yap

Magnetic resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) is a relatively new multi-parametric quantitative imaging method that involves a two-step process: (i) reconstructing a series of time frames from highly-undersampled non-Cartesian spiral k-space data and (ii) pattern matching using the time frames to infer tissue properties (e. g., T1 and T2 relaxation times).

Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting

Capturing, Reconstructing, and Simulating: the UrbanScene3D Dataset

2 code implementations9 Jul 2021 Liqiang Lin, Yilin Liu, Yue Hu, Xingguang Yan, Ke Xie, Hui Huang

We present UrbanScene3D, a large-scale data platform for research of urban scene perception and reconstruction.

3D Reconstruction Instance Segmentation +1

VGF-Net: Visual-Geometric Fusion Learning for Simultaneous Drone Navigation and Height Mapping

no code implementations7 Apr 2021 Yilin Liu, Ke Xie, Hui Huang

The drone navigation requires the comprehensive understanding of both visual and geometric information in the 3D world.

Drone navigation

Accurate Automatic Segmentation of Amygdala Subnuclei and Modeling of Uncertainty via Bayesian Fully Convolutional Neural Network

no code implementations19 Feb 2019 Yilin Liu, Gengyan Zhao, Brendon M. Nacewicz, Nagesh Adluru, Gregory R. Kirk, Peter A Ferrazzano, Martin Styner, Andrew L. Alexander

However, most of the previous deep learning work does not investigate the specific difficulties that exist in segmenting extremely small but important brain regions such as the amygdala and its subregions.

Deep Learning

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