Search Results for author: YinTang Yang

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

STCSNN: High energy efficiency spike-train level spiking neural networks with spatio-temporal conversion

no code implementations14 Jul 2023 Changqing Xu, Yi Liu, YinTang Yang

In the STCSNN, spatio-temporal conversion blocks (STCBs) are proposed to keep the low power features of SNNs and improve accuracy.

Ultra-low Latency Adaptive Local Binary Spiking Neural Network with Accuracy Loss Estimator

no code implementations31 Jul 2022 Changqing Xu, Yijian Pei, Zili Wu, Yi Liu, YinTang Yang

Spiking neural network (SNN) is a brain-inspired model which has more spatio-temporal information processing capacity and computational energy efficiency.


Ultra-low Latency Spiking Neural Networks with Spatio-Temporal Compression and Synaptic Convolutional Block

no code implementations18 Mar 2022 Changqing Xu, Yi Liu, YinTang Yang

We evaluate the proposed method for event streams classification tasks on neuromorphic N-MNIST, CIFAR10-DVS, DVS128 gesture datasets.


Direct Training via Backpropagation for Ultra-low Latency Spiking Neural Networks with Multi-threshold

no code implementations25 Nov 2021 Changqing Xu, Yi Liu, YinTang Yang

In our proposed training method, we proposed three approximated derivative for spike activity to solve the problem of the non-differentiable issue which cause difficulties for direct training SNNs based on BP.

Machine Learning Regression based Single Event Transient Modeling Method for Circuit-Level Simulation

no code implementations22 May 2021 Changqing Xu, Yi Liu, XinFang Liao, JiaLiang Cheng, YinTang Yang

A multilayer feedfordward neural network is used to build the SET pulse current model by learning the data from TCAD simulation.

BIG-bench Machine Learning regression

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