Search Results for author: Ying Ren

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

EventTrojan: Manipulating Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Assessment via Imperceptible Events

no code implementations4 Sep 2023 Ying Ren, Kailai Shen, Zhe Ye, Diqun Yan

Non-Intrusive speech quality assessment (NISQA) has gained significant attention for predicting speech's mean opinion score (MOS) without requiring the reference speech.

Backdoor Attack regression

Highly fluorescent copper nanoclusters for sensing and bioimaging

no code implementations29 Dec 2019 Yu An, Ying Ren, Jing Tang, Jun Chen, Baisong Chang

Metal nanoclusters (NCs), typically consisting of a few to tens of metal atoms, bridge the gap between organometallic compounds and crystalline metal nanoparticles.

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