Search Results for author: Ying Zhu

Found 12 papers, 2 papers with code

D$^3$epth: Self-Supervised Depth Estimation with Dynamic Mask in Dynamic Scenes

no code implementations7 Nov 2024 Siyu Chen, Hong Liu, Wenhao Li, Ying Zhu, Guoquan Wang, Jianbing Wu

First, within the self-supervised framework, we design a reprojection constraint to identify regions likely to contain dynamic objects, allowing the construction of a dynamic mask that mitigates their impact at the loss level.

Monocular Depth Estimation

Graph Retrieval Augmented Trustworthiness Reasoning

1 code implementation22 Aug 2024 Ying Zhu, Shengchang Li, Ziqian Kong, Peilan Xu

Trustworthiness reasoning is crucial in multiplayer games with incomplete information, enabling agents to identify potential allies and adversaries, thereby enhancing reasoning and decision-making processes.

Decision Making RAG +1

Evaluating LLMs for Text-to-SQL Generation With Complex SQL Workload

no code implementations28 Jul 2024 Limin Ma, Ken Pu, Ying Zhu

Our findings reveal that TPC-DS queries exhibit a significantly higher level of structural complexity compared to the other two benchmarks.

Decision Making Prompt Engineering +1

A Survey on Visual Mamba

1 code implementation24 Apr 2024 Hanwei Zhang, Ying Zhu, Dan Wang, Lijun Zhang, Tianxiang Chen, Zi Ye

This encompasses general visual tasks, Medical visual tasks (e. g., 2D / 3D segmentation, classification, and image registration, etc.

Image Registration Image Restoration +7

Permutation invariant functions: statistical tests, density estimation, and computationally efficient embedding

no code implementations4 Mar 2024 Wee Chaimanowong, Ying Zhu

Permutation invariance is among the most common symmetry that can be exploited to simplify complex problems in machine learning (ML).

Density Estimation Dimensionality Reduction

Breast Lesion Diagnosis Using Static Images and Dynamic Video

no code implementations19 Aug 2023 Yunwen Huang, Hongyu Hu, Ying Zhu, Yi Xu

In this work, we propose a multi-modality breast tumor diagnosis model to imitate the diagnosing process of radiologists, which learns the features of both static images and dynamic video and explores the potential relationship between the two modalities.

Empathetic Response Generation via Emotion Cause Transition Graph

no code implementations23 Feb 2023 Yushan Qian, Bo wang, Ting-En Lin, Yinhe Zheng, Ying Zhu, Dongming Zhao, Yuexian Hou, Yuchuan Wu, Yongbin Li

Empathetic dialogue is a human-like behavior that requires the perception of both affective factors (e. g., emotion status) and cognitive factors (e. g., cause of the emotion).

Decoder Empathetic Response Generation +1

SuperVoice: Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using Ultrasound Energy in Human Speech

no code implementations28 May 2022 Hanqing Guo, Qiben Yan, Nikolay Ivanov, Ying Zhu, Li Xiao, Eric J. Hunter

Our evaluation shows that SUPERVOICE achieves 0. 58% equal error rate in the speaker verification task, it only takes 120 ms for testing an incoming utterance, outperforming all existing speaker verification systems.

Text-Independent Speaker Verification

On the limitations of data-based price discrimination

no code implementations27 Apr 2022 Haitian Xie, Ying Zhu, Denis Shishkin

What if the seller has to set a price based only on a sample of observations from the underlying distribution?

Phase transitions in nonparametric regressions

no code implementations7 Dec 2021 Ying Zhu

Our metric entropy bounds allow us to show phase transitions in the minimax optimal MISE rates associated with some commonly seen smoothness classes as well as non-standard smoothness classes, and can also be of independent interest outside the nonparametric regression problems.


Classes of ODE solutions: smoothness, covering numbers, implications for noisy function fitting, and the curse of smoothness phenomenon

no code implementations23 Nov 2020 Ying Zhu, Mozhgan Mirzaei

Many numerical methods for recovering ODE solutions from data rely on approximating the solutions using basis functions or kernel functions under a least square criterion.

Curvilinear Structure Tracking by Low Rank Tensor Approximation with Model Propagation

no code implementations CVPR 2014 Erkang Cheng, Yu Pang, Ying Zhu, Jingyi Yu, Haibin Ling

Robust tracking of deformable object like catheter or vascular structures in X-ray images is an important technique used in image guided medical interventions for effective motion compensation and dynamic multi-modality image fusion.

Motion Compensation

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