Search Results for author: Yingjie Liu

Found 13 papers, 2 papers with code

Hyperbolic Contrastive Learning for Hierarchical 3D Point Cloud Embedding

no code implementations4 Jan 2025 Yingjie Liu, Pengyu Zhang, Ziyao He, Mingsong Chen, Xuan Tang, Xian Wei

Hyperbolic spaces allow for more efficient modeling of complex, hierarchical structures, which is particularly beneficial in tasks involving multi-modal data.

Contrastive Learning

Face Forgery Detection with Elaborate Backbone

1 code implementation25 Sep 2024 Zonghui Guo, Yingjie Liu, Jie Zhang, Haiyong Zheng, Shiguang Shan

Specifically, we analyze the crucial contributions of backbones with different configurations in FFD task and propose leveraging the ViT network with self-supervised learning on real-face datasets to pre-train a backbone, equipping it with superior facial representation capabilities.

DeepFake Detection Face Generation +2

SBDet: A Symmetry-Breaking Object Detector via Relaxed Rotation-Equivariance

no code implementations21 Aug 2024 Zhiqiang Wu, Yingjie Liu, Hanlin Dong, Xuan Tang, Jian Yang, Bo Jin, Mingsong Chen, Xian Wei

Furthermore, we propose a Relaxed Rotation-Equivariant Network (R2Net) as the backbone and further develop the Symmetry-Breaking Object Detector (SBDet) for 2D object detection built upon it.

Image Classification Object +2

When Foresight Pruning Meets Zeroth-Order Optimization: Efficient Federated Learning for Low-Memory Devices

no code implementations8 May 2024 Pengyu Zhang, Yingjie Liu, Yingbo Zhou, Xiao Du, Xian Wei, Ting Wang, Mingsong Chen

Comprehensive experimental results obtained from simulation- and real test-bed-based platforms show that our federated foresight-pruning method not only preserves the ability of the dense model with a memory reduction up to 9x but also boosts the performance of the vanilla BP-Free method with dramatically fewer FLOPs.

Federated Learning

A PNP ion channel deep learning solver with local neural network and finite element input data

no code implementations31 Jan 2024 Hwi Lee, Zhen Chao, Harris Cobb, Yingjie Liu, Dexuan Xie

Since the input data of the neural network scheme only involves a small local patch of coarse grid solutions, which the finite element solver can quickly produce, the PNPic deep learning solver can be trained much faster than any corresponding conventional global neural network solvers.

Deep Learning

Neural Network with Local Converging Input (NNLCI) for Supersonic Flow Problems with Unstructured Grids

no code implementations23 Oct 2023 Weiming Ding, Haoxiang Huang, Tzu Jung Lee, Yingjie Liu, Vigor Yang

In the present study, we develop a neural network with local converging input (NNLCI) for high-fidelity prediction using unstructured data.

A Survey of Geometric Optimization for Deep Learning: From Euclidean Space to Riemannian Manifold

no code implementations16 Feb 2023 Yanhong Fei, Xian Wei, Yingjie Liu, Zhengyu Li, Mingsong Chen

Although Deep Learning (DL) has achieved success in complex Artificial Intelligence (AI) tasks, it suffers from various notorious problems (e. g., feature redundancy, and vanishing or exploding gradients), since updating parameters in Euclidean space cannot fully exploit the geometric structure of the solution space.

Transfer Learning

Solving Maxwell's Equation in 2D with Neural Networks with Local Converging Inputs

no code implementations6 Feb 2023 Harris Cobb, Hwi Lee, Yingjie Liu

In contrast with existing research work on applying neural networks to directly solve PDEs, our method takes advantage of the local domain of dependence of the Maxwell's equation in the input solution patches, and is therefore simpler, yet still robust.

O-ViT: Orthogonal Vision Transformer

no code implementations28 Jan 2022 Yanhong Fei, Yingjie Liu, Xian Wei, Mingsong Chen

Inspired by the tremendous success of the self-attention mechanism in natural language processing, the Vision Transformer (ViT) creatively applies it to image patch sequences and achieves incredible performance.

Dense Multiscale Feature Fusion Pyramid Networks for Object Detection in UAV-Captured Images

no code implementations19 Dec 2020 Yingjie Liu

Although much significant progress has been made in the research field of object detection with deep learning, there still exists a challenging task for the objects with small size, which is notably pronounced in UAV-captured images.

object-detection Object Detection

IDENT: Identifying Differential Equations with Numerical Time evolution

no code implementations6 Apr 2019 Sung Ha Kang, Wenjing Liao, Yingjie Liu

The new algorithm, called Identifying Differential Equations with Numerical Time evolution (IDENT), is explored for data with non-periodic boundary conditions, noisy data and PDEs with varying coefficients.

Numerical Analysis

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