Search Results for author: Yingjie Zhang

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

Confidence-Aware RGB-D Face Recognition via Virtual Depth Synthesis

no code implementations11 Mar 2024 Zijian Chen, Mei Wang, Weihong Deng, Hongzhi Shi, Dongchao Wen, Yingjie Zhang, Xingchen Cui, Jian Zhao

2D face recognition encounters challenges in unconstrained environments due to varying illumination, occlusion, and pose.

Depth Estimation Face Recognition

Making Them Ask and Answer: Jailbreaking Large Language Models in Few Queries via Disguise and Reconstruction

1 code implementation28 Feb 2024 Tong Liu, Yingjie Zhang, Zhe Zhao, Yinpeng Dong, Guozhu Meng, Kai Chen

We evaluate DRA across various open-source and closed-source models, showcasing state-of-the-art jailbreak success rates and attack efficiency.

Chatbot Reconstruction Attack

Gradient Attention Balance Network: Mitigating Face Recognition Racial Bias via Gradient Attention

no code implementations5 Apr 2023 Linzhi Huang, Mei Wang, Jiahao Liang, Weihong Deng, Hongzhi Shi, Dongchao Wen, Yingjie Zhang, Jian Zhao

Specifically, we use the gradient attention map (GAM) of the face recognition network to track the sensitive facial regions and make the GAMs of different races tend to be consistent through adversarial learning.

Face Recognition

A holistically 3D-printed flexible millimeter-wave Doppler radar: Towards fully printed high-frequency multilayer flexible hybrid electronics systems

no code implementations24 Feb 2023 Hong Tang, Yingjie Zhang, Bowen Zheng, Sensong An, Mohammad Haerinia, Yunxi Dong, Yi Huang, Wei Guo, Hualiang Zhang

Flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) is an emerging technology enabled through the integration of advanced semiconductor devices and 3D printing technology.

Dive into the Resolution Augmentations and Metrics in Low Resolution Face Recognition: A Plain yet Effective New Baseline

1 code implementation11 Feb 2023 Xu Ling, Yichen Lu, Wenqi Xu, Weihong Deng, Yingjie Zhang, Xingchen Cui, Hongzhi Shi, Dongchao Wen

Although deep learning has significantly improved Face Recognition (FR), dramatic performance deterioration may occur when processing Low Resolution (LR) faces.

Face Recognition General Knowledge

Boundary Evolution Algorithm for SAT-NP

no code implementations22 Dec 2018 Zhaoyang Ai, Chaodong Fan, Yingjie Zhang, Huigui Rong, Ze'an Tian, Haibing Fu

A boundary evolution Algorithm (BEA) is proposed by simultaneously taking into account the bottom and the high-level crossover and mutation, ie., the boundary of the hierarchical genetic algorithm.

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