Search Results for author: Yinglun Zhu

Found 15 papers, 5 papers with code

Efficient Sparse PCA via Block-Diagonalization

no code implementations18 Oct 2024 Alberto Del Pia, Dekun Zhou, Yinglun Zhu

Our framework, when integrated with this algorithm, reduces the runtime to $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{d}{d^\star} \cdot g(k, d^\star) + d^2\right)$, where $d^\star \leq d$ is the largest block size of the block-diagonal matrix.

Dimensionality Reduction

Efficient Sequential Decision Making with Large Language Models

no code implementations17 Jun 2024 Dingyang Chen, Qi Zhang, Yinglun Zhu

In this paper, we propose a new approach that leverages online model selection algorithms to efficiently incorporate LLMs agents into sequential decision making.

Decision Making Model Selection +1

Infinite Action Contextual Bandits with Reusable Data Exhaust

1 code implementation16 Feb 2023 Mark Rucker, Yinglun Zhu, Paul Mineiro

For infinite action contextual bandits, smoothed regret and reduction to regression results in state-of-the-art online performance with computational cost independent of the action set: unfortunately, the resulting data exhaust does not have well-defined importance-weights.

Model Selection Multi-Armed Bandits +1

Active Learning with Neural Networks: Insights from Nonparametric Statistics

no code implementations15 Oct 2022 Yinglun Zhu, Robert Nowak

Deep neural networks have great representation power, but typically require large numbers of training examples.

Active Learning

Contextual Bandits with Smooth Regret: Efficient Learning in Continuous Action Spaces

1 code implementation12 Jul 2022 Yinglun Zhu, Paul Mineiro

Designing efficient general-purpose contextual bandit algorithms that work with large -- or even continuous -- action spaces would facilitate application to important scenarios such as information retrieval, recommendation systems, and continuous control.

continuous-control Continuous Control +4

Contextual Bandits with Large Action Spaces: Made Practical

1 code implementation12 Jul 2022 Yinglun Zhu, Dylan J. Foster, John Langford, Paul Mineiro

Focusing on the contextual bandit problem, recent progress provides provably efficient algorithms with strong empirical performance when the number of possible alternatives ("actions") is small, but guarantees for decision making in large, continuous action spaces have remained elusive, leading to a significant gap between theory and practice.

Decision Making Multi-Armed Bandits +1

Efficient Active Learning with Abstention

no code implementations31 Mar 2022 Yinglun Zhu, Robert Nowak

Furthermore, our algorithm is guaranteed to only abstain on hard examples (where the true label distribution is close to a fair coin), a novel property we term \emph{proper abstention} that also leads to a host of other desirable characteristics (e. g., recovering minimax guarantees in the standard setting, and avoiding the undesirable ``noise-seeking'' behavior often seen in active learning).

Active Learning

Near Instance Optimal Model Selection for Pure Exploration Linear Bandits

no code implementations10 Sep 2021 Yinglun Zhu, Julian Katz-Samuels, Robert Nowak

The core of our algorithms is a new optimization problem based on experimental design that leverages the geometry of the action set to identify a near-optimal hypothesis class.

Experimental Design Model Selection

Pure Exploration in Kernel and Neural Bandits

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Yinglun Zhu, Dongruo Zhou, Ruoxi Jiang, Quanquan Gu, Rebecca Willett, Robert Nowak

To overcome the curse of dimensionality, we propose to adaptively embed the feature representation of each arm into a lower-dimensional space and carefully deal with the induced model misspecification.

Pareto Optimal Model Selection in Linear Bandits

no code implementations12 Feb 2021 Yinglun Zhu, Robert Nowak

In this paper, we establish the first lower bound for the model selection problem.

Model Selection

Robust Outlier Arm Identification

1 code implementation ICML 2020 Yinglun Zhu, Sumeet Katariya, Robert Nowak

We study the problem of Robust Outlier Arm Identification (ROAI), where the goal is to identify arms whose expected rewards deviate substantially from the majority, by adaptively sampling from their reward distributions.

Outlier Detection

On Regret with Multiple Best Arms

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Yinglun Zhu, Robert Nowak

With additional knowledge of the expected reward of the best arm, we propose another adaptive algorithm that is minimax optimal, up to polylog factors, over all hardness levels.

ReabsNet: Detecting and Revising Adversarial Examples

no code implementations21 Dec 2017 Jiefeng Chen, Zihang Meng, Changtian Sun, Wei Tang, Yinglun Zhu

Though deep neural network has hit a huge success in recent studies and applica- tions, it still remains vulnerable to adversarial perturbations which are imperceptible to humans.

General Classification

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