1 code implementation • ECCV 2020 • Runkai Zheng, Yinqi Zhang, Daolang Huang, Qingliang Chen
In recent years, Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have empowered Compressed Sensing (CS) substantially and have achieved high reconstruction quality and speed far exceeding traditional CS methods.
Ranked #1 on Image Compression on BSDS500
no code implementations • 4 Jun 2024 • Haolong Li, Yu Ma, Yinqi Zhang, Chen Ye, Jie Chen
In this paper, through a newly proposed arithmetical puzzle problem, we show that the model can perform well on multi-step reasoning tasks via fine-tuning on high-quality synthetic data.
no code implementations • 8 Dec 2021 • Zhenxin Wu, Qingliang Chen, Yifeng Liu, Yinqi Zhang, Chengkai Zhu, Yang Yu
Finally, using the progressive training (P), the features extracted by the model in different stages can be fully utilized and fused with each other.
no code implementations • 29 Sep 2021 • Haiyan Wu, Yuting Gao, Ke Li, Yinqi Zhang, Shaohui Lin, Yuan Xie, Xing Sun
These findings motivate us to introduce an self-supervised teaching assistant (SSTA) besides the commonly used supervised teacher to improve the performance of transformers.
no code implementations • 22 Nov 2020 • Runkai Zheng, Zhijia Yu, Yinqi Zhang, Chris Ding, Hei Victor Cheng, Li Liu
A major challenge in Fine-Grained Visual Classification (FGVC) is distinguishing various categories with high inter-class similarity by learning the feature that differentiate the details.
Ranked #14 on Fine-Grained Image Classification on FGVC Aircraft