Search Results for author: Yiting Duan

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Machine Learning for Complex Systems with Abnormal Pattern by Exception Maximization Outlier Detection Method

no code implementations5 Jul 2024 Zhikun Zhang, Yiting Duan, Xiangjun Wang, Mingyuan Zhang

This paper proposes a novel fast online methodology for outlier detection called the exception maximization outlier detection method(EMODM), which employs probabilistic models and statistical algorithms to detect abnormal patterns from the outputs of complex systems.

Anomaly Detection Outlier Detection

Parameter Identification for Partial Differential Equations with Spatiotemporal Varying Coefficients

no code implementations30 Jun 2023 Guangtao Zhang, Yiting Duan, Guanyu Pan, Qijing Chen, Huiyu Yang, Zhikun Zhang

To comprehend complex systems with multiple states, it is imperative to reveal the identity of these states by system outputs.

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