Search Results for author: Yixing Li

Found 10 papers, 3 papers with code

Continuous Speech Tokenizer in Text To Speech

no code implementations22 Oct 2024 Yixing Li, Ruobing Xie, Xingwu Sun, Yu Cheng, Zhanhui Kang

Our results show that the speech language model based on the continuous speech tokenizer has better continuity and higher estimated Mean Opinion Scores (MoS).

Language Modelling Text to Speech

Direct Preference Knowledge Distillation for Large Language Models

no code implementations28 Jun 2024 Yixing Li, Yuxian Gu, Li Dong, Dequan Wang, Yu Cheng, Furu Wei

Meanwhile, we prove the value and effectiveness of the introduced implicit reward and output preference in KD through experiments and theoretical analysis.

Knowledge Distillation

From Isolated Islands to Pangea: Unifying Semantic Space for Human Action Understanding

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Yong-Lu Li, Xiaoqian Wu, Xinpeng Liu, Zehao Wang, Yiming Dou, Yikun Ji, Junyi Zhang, Yixing Li, Jingru Tan, Xudong Lu, Cewu Lu

By aligning the classes of previous datasets to our semantic space, we gather (image/video/skeleton/MoCap) datasets into a unified database in a unified label system, i. e., bridging "isolated islands" into a "Pangea".

Action Understanding Transfer Learning

DeepOHeat: Operator Learning-based Ultra-fast Thermal Simulation in 3D-IC Design

1 code implementation25 Feb 2023 Ziyue Liu, Yixing Li, Jing Hu, Xinling Yu, Shinyu Shiau, Xin Ai, Zhiyu Zeng, Zheng Zhang

In this paper, for the first time, we propose DeepOHeat, a physics-aware operator learning framework to predict the temperature field of a family of heat equations with multiple parametric or non-parametric design configurations.

Operator learning

Systolic-CNN: An OpenCL-defined Scalable Run-time-flexible FPGA Accelerator Architecture for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Network Inference in Cloud/Edge Computing

2 code implementations6 Dec 2020 Akshay Dua, Yixing Li, Fengbo Ren

Systolic-CNN is also run-time-flexible in the context of multi-tenancy cloud/edge computing, which can be time-shared to accelerate a variety of CNN models at run time without the need of recompiling the FPGA kernel hardware nor reprogramming the FPGA.


Light-Weight RetinaNet for Object Detection

1 code implementation24 May 2019 Yixing Li, Fengbo Ren

On the contrary, very few studies discuss the computation and accuracy trade-off scheme for mAP-30-tier detection networks.

Object object-detection +1

Build a Compact Binary Neural Network through Bit-level Sensitivity and Data Pruning

no code implementations3 Feb 2018 Yixing Li, Fengbo Ren

Emerging solutions are adopted for the neural network compression, e. g., bina-ry/ternary weight network, pruned network and quantized network.

Neural Network Compression

A GPU-Outperforming FPGA Accelerator Architecture for Binary Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations20 Feb 2017 Yixing Li, Zichuan Liu, Kai Xu, Hao Yu, Fengbo Ren

For processing static data in large batch sizes, the proposed solution is on a par with a Titan X GPU in terms of throughput while delivering 9. 5x higher energy efficiency.

A Data-Driven Compressive Sensing Framework Tailored For Energy-Efficient Wearable Sensing

no code implementations15 Dec 2016 Kai Xu, Yixing Li, Fengbo Ren

Compressive sensing (CS) is a promising technology for realizing energy-efficient wireless sensors for long-term health monitoring.

Compressive Sensing

A Binary Convolutional Encoder-decoder Network for Real-time Natural Scene Text Processing

no code implementations12 Dec 2016 Zichuan Liu, Yixing Li, Fengbo Ren, Hao Yu

In this paper, we develop a binary convolutional encoder-decoder network (B-CEDNet) for natural scene text processing (NSTP).


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