Search Results for author: Yiyue Qian

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Dual-level Hypergraph Contrastive Learning with Adaptive Temperature Enhancement

1 code implementation International World Wide Web Conference 2024 Yiyue Qian, Tianyi Ma, Chuxu Zhang, Yanfang Ye

However, these works have the following limitations in modeling the high-order relationships over unlabeled data: (i) They primarily focus on maximizing the agreements among individual node embeddings while neglecting the capture of group-wise collective behaviors within hypergraphs; (ii) Most of them disregard the importance of the temperature index in discriminating contrastive pairs during contrast optimization.

Contrastive Learning Hypergraph Contrastive Learning +1

Hypergraph Contrastive Learning for Drug Trafficking Community Detection

1 code implementation 2023 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 2023 Tianyi Ma, Yiyue Qian, Chuxu Zhang, Yanfang Ye

To this end, we propose a novel HyperGraph Contrastive Learning framework called HyGCL-DC that employs hypergraph to model the higher-order relationships among users to detect Drug trafficking Communities.

Attribute Community Detection +3

Graph Contrastive Learning with Cross-view Reconstruction

no code implementations16 Sep 2022 Qianlong Wen, Zhongyu Ouyang, Chunhui Zhang, Yiyue Qian, Yanfang Ye, Chuxu Zhang

In light of this, we introduce the Graph Contrastive Learning with Cross-View Reconstruction (GraphCV), which follows the information bottleneck principle to learn minimal yet sufficient representation from graph data.

Contrastive Learning Disentanglement +3

Distilling Meta Knowledge on Heterogeneous Graph for Illicit Drug Trafficker Detection on Social Media

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Yiyue Qian, Yiming Zhang, Yanfang Ye, Chuxu Zhang

In this paper, we propose a holistic framework named MetaHG to automatically detect illicit drug traffickers on social media (i. e., Instagram), by tackling the following two new challenges: (1) different from existing works which merely focus on analyzing post content, MetaHG is capable of jointly modeling multi-modal content and relational structured information on social media for illicit drug trafficker detection; (2) in addition, through the proposed meta-learning technique, MetaHG addresses the issue of requiring sufficient data for model training.

Knowledge Distillation Marketing +3

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