Search Results for author: Yizhen Jia

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Multipath Identification and Mitigation with FDA-MIMO Radar

no code implementations25 Jul 2024 Yizhen Jia, Jie Cheng, Wen-Qin Wang, Hui Chen

In smart city development, the automatic detection of structures and vehicles within urban or suburban areas via array radar (airborne or vehicle platforms) becomes crucial.


TheoremLlama: Transforming General-Purpose LLMs into Lean4 Experts

1 code implementation3 Jul 2024 Ruida Wang, Jipeng Zhang, Yizhen Jia, Rui Pan, Shizhe Diao, Renjie Pi, Tong Zhang

However, due to the scarcity of aligned NL and Formal Language (FL) theorem-proving data most modern LLMs exhibit suboptimal performance. This scarcity results in a paucity of methodologies for training LLMs and techniques to fully utilize their capabilities in composing formal proofs.

Automated Theorem Proving Code Generation +1

On Smart Morphing Wing Aircraft Robust Adaptive Beamforming

no code implementations22 Dec 2023 Yizhen Jia, Hui Chen, Wen-Qin Wang, Jie Cheng

To overcome this problem and ensure robust beamforming for FCA, deviations in array control parameters (ACPs) and array perturbations, the effect of mutual coupling in addition to looking-direction errors should be considered.

SIDE: Self-supervised Intermediate Domain Exploration for Source-free Domain Adaptation

1 code implementation13 Oct 2023 Jiamei Liu, Han Sun, Yizhen Jia, Jie Qin, Huiyu Zhou, Ningzhong Liu

Domain adaptation aims to alleviate the domain shift when transferring the knowledge learned from the source domain to the target domain.

Self-Supervised Learning Source-Free Domain Adaptation

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