Search Results for author: Yizi Zhang

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

TimeInf: Time Series Data Contribution via Influence Functions

1 code implementation21 Jul 2024 Yizi Zhang, Jingyan Shen, Xiaoxue Xiong, Yongchan Kwon

Evaluating the contribution of individual data points to a model's prediction is critical for interpreting model predictions and improving model performance.

Attribute Time Series

Towards a "universal translator" for neural dynamics at single-cell, single-spike resolution

no code implementations19 Jul 2024 Yizi Zhang, Yanchen Wang, Donato Jimenez-Beneto, Zixuan Wang, Mehdi Azabou, Blake Richards, Olivier Winter, International Brain Laboratory, Eva Dyer, Liam Paninski, Cole Hurwitz

Neuroscience research has made immense progress over the last decade, but our understanding of the brain remains fragmented and piecemeal: the dream of probing an arbitrary brain region and automatically reading out the information encoded in its neural activity remains out of reach.

Activity Prediction Multi-Task Learning

Motion-Invariant Variational Auto-Encoding of Brain Structural Connectomes

1 code implementation8 Dec 2022 Yizi Zhang, Meimei Liu, Zhengwu Zhang, David Dunson

We develop a generative model to learn low-dimensional representations of structural connectomes invariant to motion-induced artifacts, so that we can link brain networks and human traits more accurately, and generate motion-adjusted connectomes.

Exploration-Exploitation Motivated Variational Auto-Encoder for Recommender Systems

no code implementations5 Jun 2020 Yizi Zhang, Meimei Liu

Recent years have witnessed rapid developments on collaborative filtering techniques for improving the performance of recommender systems due to the growing need of companies to help users discover new and relevant items.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems

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