Search Results for author: Yo-Sub Han

Found 15 papers, 4 papers with code

Self-Training using Rules of Grammar for Few-Shot NLU

no code implementations Findings (EMNLP) 2021 Joonghyuk Hahn, Hyunjoon Cheon, Kyuyeol Han, Cheongjae Lee, Junseok Kim, Yo-Sub Han

We propose to use rules of grammar in self-training as a more reliable pseudo-labeling mechanism, especially when there are few labeled data.

MultiFix: Learning to Repair Multiple Errors by Optimal Alignment Learning

no code implementations Findings (EMNLP) 2021 HyeonTae Seo, Yo-Sub Han, Sang-Ki Ko

We consider the problem of learning to repair erroneous C programs by learning optimal alignments with correct programs.

Program Repair

Generalizable Implicit Hate Speech Detection Using Contrastive Learning

1 code implementation COLING 2022 Youngwook Kim, Shinwoo Park, Yo-Sub Han

However, it is challenging to identify implicit hate speech in nuance or context when there are insufficient lexical cues.

Contrastive Learning Hate Speech Detection

A Framework for Quantum Finite-State Languages with Density Mapping

1 code implementation3 Jul 2024 SeungYeop Baik, Sicheol Sung, Yo-Sub Han

We present a framework that provides a simple and intuitive way to build QFAs and maximize the simulation accuracy.

ATHENA: Mathematical Reasoning with Thought Expansion

1 code implementation EMNLP 2023 JB. Kim, Hazel Kim, Joonghyuk Hahn, Yo-Sub Han

Solving math word problems depends on how to articulate the problems, the lens through which models view human linguistic expressions.

Math Math Word Problem Solving

Neuro-Symbolic Regex Synthesis Framework via Neural Example Splitting

no code implementations20 May 2022 Su-Hyeon Kim, Hyunjoon Cheon, Yo-Sub Han, Sang-Ki Ko

We tackle the problem of learning regexes faster from positive and negative strings by relying on a novel approach called `neural example splitting'.

LST: Lexicon-Guided Self-Training for Few-Shot Text Classification

no code implementations5 Feb 2022 Hazel Kim, Jaeman Son, Yo-Sub Han

Self-training provides an effective means of using an extremely small amount of labeled data to create pseudo-labels for unlabeled data.

Few-Shot Text Classification text-classification

ALP: Data Augmentation using Lexicalized PCFGs for Few-Shot Text Classification

no code implementations16 Dec 2021 Hazel Kim, Daecheol Woo, Seong Joon Oh, Jeong-Won Cha, Yo-Sub Han

Taken together, our contributions on the data augmentation strategies yield a strong training recipe for few-shot text classification tasks.

Data Augmentation Few-Shot Text Classification +3

SplitRegex: Faster Regex Synthesis via Neural Example Splitting

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Su-Hyeon Kim, Hyunjoon Cheon, Yo-Sub Han, Sang-Ki Ko

SplitRegex is a divided-and-conquer framework for learning target regexes; split (=divide) positive strings and infer partial regexes for multiple parts, which is much more accurate than the whole string inferring, and concatenate (=conquer) inferred regexes while satisfying negative strings.

SoftRegex: Generating Regex from Natural Language Descriptions using Softened Regex Equivalence

no code implementations IJCNLP 2019 Jun-U Park, Sang-Ki Ko, Marco Cognetta, Yo-Sub Han

We continue the study of generating se-mantically correct regular expressions from natural language descriptions (NL).

Detecting context abusiveness using hierarchical deep learning

no code implementations WS 2019 Ju-Hyoung Lee, Jun-U Park, Jeong-Won Cha, Yo-Sub Han

Our model outperforms all the previous models for detecting abusiveness in a text data without abusive words.

Online Infix Probability Computation for Probabilistic Finite Automata

no code implementations ACL 2019 Marco Cognetta, Yo-Sub Han, Soon Chan Kwon

Probabilistic finite automata (PFAs) are com- mon statistical language model in natural lan- guage and speech processing.

Language Modelling

OPERA: Reasoning about continuous common knowledge in asynchronous distributed systems

no code implementations4 Oct 2018 Sang-Min Choi, Jiho Park, Quan Nguyen, Andre Cronje, Kiyoung Jang, Hyunjoon Cheon, Yo-Sub Han, Byung-Ik Ahn

Each event block is signed by the hashes of the creating node and its $k$ peers.

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

Incremental Computation of Infix Probabilities for Probabilistic Finite Automata

no code implementations EMNLP 2018 Marco Cognetta, Yo-Sub Han, Soon Chan Kwon

The problem of computing infix probabilities of strings when the pattern distribution is given by a probabilistic context-free grammar or by a probabilistic finite automaton is already solved, yet it was open to compute the infix probabilities in an incremental manner.

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