Search Results for author: Yonatan Aumann

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Voter Priming Campaigns: Strategies, Equilibria, and Algorithms

no code implementations17 Dec 2024 Jonathan Shaki, Yonatan Aumann, Sarit Kraus

For parliamentary elections, we show that pure equilibrium spending always exists and can be computed in time linear in the number of voters.

Efficient Customer Service Combining Human Operators and Virtual Agents

no code implementations12 Sep 2022 Yaniv Oshrat, Yonatan Aumann, Tal Hollander, Oleg Maksimov, Anita Ostroumov, Natali Shechtman, Sarit Kraus

The prospect of combining human operators and virtual agents (bots) into an effective hybrid system that provides proper customer service to clients is promising yet challenging.

Robust Solutions for Multi-Defender Stackelberg Security Games

no code implementations29 Apr 2022 Dolev Mutzari, Yonatan Aumann, Sarit Kraus

In this paper, we introduce a robust model for MSSGs, which admits solutions that are resistant to small perturbations or uncertainties in the game's parameters.

MUDA: A Truthful Multi-Unit Double-Auction Mechanism

2 code implementations19 Dec 2017 Erel Segal-haLevi, Avinatan Hassidim, Yonatan Aumann

In a seminal paper, McAfee (1992) presented a truthful mechanism for double auctions, attaining asymptotically-optimal gain-from-trade without any prior information on the valuations of the traders.

Computer Science and Game Theory

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