Search Results for author: Yong Shi

Found 22 papers, 5 papers with code

Towards Training Reproducible Deep Learning Models

1 code implementation4 Feb 2022 Boyuan Chen, Mingzhi Wen, Yong Shi, Dayi Lin, Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur, Zhen Ming, Jiang

However, DL models are challenging to be reproduced due to issues like randomness in the software (e. g., DL algorithms) and non-determinism in the hardware (e. g., GPU).

Deep Learning

Latent Network Embedding via Adversarial Auto-encoders

no code implementations30 Sep 2021 Minglong Lei, Yong Shi, Lingfeng Niu

To address this issue, we propose a latent network embedding model based on adversarial graph auto-encoders.

Link Prediction Network Embedding +1

Visual Anomaly Detection for Images: A Survey

no code implementations27 Sep 2021 Jie Yang, Ruijie Xu, Zhiquan Qi, Yong Shi

Visual anomaly detection is an important and challenging problem in the field of machine learning and computer vision.

Anomaly Detection Deep Learning +1

Deep Kernel Gaussian Process Based Financial Market Predictions

no code implementations26 May 2021 Yong Shi, Wei Dai, Wen Long, Bo Li

However, the deep kernel Gaussian Process has not been applied to forecast the conditional returns and volatility in financial market to the best of our knowledge.

Multiple HC$_3$N line observations towards 19 Galactic massive star-forming regions

no code implementations3 Mar 2021 Huanxue Feng, Junzhi Wang, Shanghuo Li, Yong Shi, Fengyao Zhu, Minzhi Kong, Ripeng Gao, Fei Li

We performed observations of the HC$_3$N (24-23, 17-16, 11-10, 8-7) lines towards a sample consisting of 19 Galactic massive star-forming regions with the Arizona Radio Observatory 12-m and Caltech Submillimeter Observatory 10. 4-m telescopes.

Astrophysics of Galaxies Solar and Stellar Astrophysics

Pyramid scheme in stock market: a kind of financial market simulation

no code implementations3 Feb 2021 Yong Shi, Bo Li, Guangle Du

Artificial stock market simulation based on agent is an important means to study financial market.

Improved ACD-based financial trade durations prediction leveraging LSTM networks and Attention Mechanism

no code implementations7 Jan 2021 Yong Shi, Wei Dai, Wen Long, Bo Li

In the input sequence, the temporal positions which are more important for predicting the next duration can be efficiently highlighted via the added attention mechanism layer.

DFR: Deep Feature Reconstruction for Unsupervised Anomaly Segmentation

2 code implementations13 Dec 2020 Jie Yang, Yong Shi, Zhiquan Qi

Concretely, we develop a multi-scale regional feature generator that can generate multiple spatial context-aware representations from pre-trained deep convolutional networks for every subregion of an image.

Anomaly Detection Anomaly Segmentation +1

Learning to Incorporate Structure Knowledge for Image Inpainting

1 code implementation11 Feb 2020 Jie Yang, Zhiquan Qi, Yong Shi

This paper develops a multi-task learning framework that attempts to incorporate the image structure knowledge to assist image inpainting, which is not well explored in previous works.

Image Inpainting Multi-Task Learning

s-LWSR: Super Lightweight Super-Resolution Network

1 code implementation24 Sep 2019 Biao Li, Jiabin Liu, Bo Wang, Zhiquan Qi, Yong Shi

Deep learning (DL) architectures for superresolution (SR) normally contain tremendous parameters, which has been regarded as the crucial advantage for obtaining satisfying performance.


Learning from Label Proportions with Generative Adversarial Networks

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Jiabin Liu, Bo wang, Zhiquan Qi, Yingjie Tian, Yong Shi

In this paper, we leverage generative adversarial networks (GANs) to derive an effective algorithm LLP-GAN for learning from label proportions (LLP), where only the bag-level proportional information in labels is available.

A Novel Large-scale Ordinal Regression Model

no code implementations19 Dec 2018 Yong Shi, Huadong Wang, Xin Shen, Lingfeng Niu

Ordinal regression (OR) is a special multiclass classification problem where an order relation exists among the labels.

model regression

IDSGAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Attack Generation against Intrusion Detection

no code implementations6 Sep 2018 Zilong Lin, Yong Shi, Zhi Xue

Given that the internal structure and parameters of the detection system are unknown to attackers, the adversarial attack examples perform the black-box attacks against the detection system.

Adversarial Attack Intrusion Detection

Research on Artificial Intelligence Ethics Based on the Evolution of Population Knowledge Base

no code implementations9 Jun 2018 Feng Liu, Yong Shi

The unclear development direction of human society is a deep reason for that it is difficult to form a uniform ethical standard for human society and artificial intelligence.


Diffusion Based Network Embedding

no code implementations9 May 2018 Yong Shi, Minglong Lei, Peng Zhang, Lingfeng Niu

In order to solve the limitations, we propose in this paper a network diffusion based embedding method.

Network Embedding Node Classification

A generalized concept-cognitive learning: A machine learning viewpoint

no code implementations8 Jan 2018 Yunlong Mi, Yong Shi, Jinhai Li

However, the relationship among cognitive computing (CC), concept-cognitive computing (CCC), CCL and concept-cognitive learning model (CCLM) is not clearly described.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Three IQs of AI Systems and their Testing Methods

no code implementations14 Dec 2017 Feng Liu, Yong Shi, Ying Liu

The rapid development of artificial intelligence has brought the artificial intelligence threat theory as well as the problem about how to evaluate the intelligence level of intelligent products.

Intelligence Quotient and Intelligence Grade of Artificial Intelligence

no code implementations29 Sep 2017 Feng Liu, Yong Shi, Ying Liu

Although artificial intelligence is currently one of the most interesting areas in scientific research, the potential threats posed by emerging AI systems remain a source of persistent controversy.

Automatic Road Crack Detection Using Random Structured Forests

no code implementations IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2016 Yong Shi, Limeng Cui, Zhiquan Qi, Fan Meng, and Zhensong Chen

Our contributions are shown as follows: 1) apply the integral channel features to redefine the tokens that constitute a crack and get better representation of the cracks with intensity inhomogeneity; 2) introduce random structured forests to generate a high- performance crack detector, which can identify arbitrarily com- plex cracks; and 3) propose a new crack descriptor to characterize cracks and discern them from noises effectively.

Crack Segmentation

A Study on Artificial Intelligence IQ and Standard Intelligent Model

no code implementations3 Dec 2015 Feng Liu, Yong Shi

Currently, potential threats of artificial intelligence (AI) to human have triggered a large controversy in society, behind which, the nature of the issue is whether the artificial intelligence (AI) system can be evaluated quantitatively.

Quantitative Analysis of Whether Machine Intelligence Can Surpass Human Intelligence

no code implementations11 Apr 2015 Feng Liu, Yong Shi

On the basis of traditional IQ, this article presents the Universal IQ test method suitable for both the machine intelligence and the human intelligence.

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