no code implementations • Findings (ACL) 2022 • Yu Xia, Quan Wang, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu, Wenhao Wu, Sujian Li, Dai Dai
However, the existing method depends on the relevance between tasks and is prone to inter-type confusion. In this paper, we propose a novel two-stage framework Learn-and-Review (L&R) for continual NER under the type-incremental setting to alleviate the above issues. Specifically, for the learning stage, we distill the old knowledge from teacher to a student on the current dataset.
Continual Named Entity Recognition named-entity-recognition +2
no code implementations • NAACL 2022 • Jianguo Mao, Wenbin Jiang, Xiangdong Wang, Zhifan Feng, Yajuan Lyu, Hong Liu, Yong Zhu
Then, it performs multistep reasoning for better answer decision between the representations of the question and the video, and dynamically integrate the reasoning results.
no code implementations • NAACL (BioNLP) 2021 • Songtai Dai, Quan Wang, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu
This paper presents our winning system at the Radiology Report Summarization track of the MEDIQA 2021 shared task.
1 code implementation • NAACL 2022 • Benfeng Xu, Quan Wang, Yajuan Lyu, Yabing Shi, Yong Zhu, Jie Gao, Zhendong Mao
Multi-triple extraction is a challenging task due to the existence of informative inter-triple correlations, and consequently rich interactions across the constituent entities and relations. While existing works only explore entity representations, we propose to explicitly introduce relation representation, jointly represent it with entities, and novelly align them to identify valid triples. We perform comprehensive experiments on document-level relation extraction and joint entity and relation extraction along with ablations to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method.
Document-level Relation Extraction Joint Entity and Relation Extraction +2
1 code implementation • 27 Mar 2024 • Chengbo Liu, Yong Zhu
The core strategies involve: 1) Fine-tune the model by incorporating semantic adaptive tokens that possess flexible decoding capabilities without changing its structure, allowing them to generate high-quality draft tokens.
no code implementations • 9 Mar 2023 • Feng He, Qi Wang, Zhifan Feng, Wenbin Jiang, Yajuan Lv, Yong Zhu, Xiao Tan
While most video retrieval methods overlook that phenomenon, we propose an adaptive margin changed with the distance between positive and negative pairs to solve the aforementioned issue.
no code implementations • 15 Apr 2022 • Damai Dai, Wenbin Jiang, Jiyuan Zhang, Weihua Peng, Yajuan Lyu, Zhifang Sui, Baobao Chang, Yong Zhu
In this paper, in order to alleviate the parameter competition problem, we propose a Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) based question answering method called MoEBQA that decouples the computation for different types of questions by sparse routing.
1 code implementation • ACL 2022 • Zixuan Li, Saiping Guan, Xiaolong Jin, Weihua Peng, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu, Long Bai, Wei Li, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng
Furthermore, these models are all trained offline, which cannot well adapt to the changes of evolutional patterns from then on.
1 code implementation • 14 Oct 2021 • Quan Wang, Songtai Dai, Benfeng Xu, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu, Hua Wu, Haifeng Wang
In this work we introduce eHealth, a Chinese biomedical PLM built from scratch with a new pre-training framework.
no code implementations • 7 Jun 2021 • Quanwei Qiu, Fuwen Yang, Yong Zhu
In microgrid control systems, faults may occur in both electrical and communication layers.
1 code implementation • Findings (ACL) 2021 • Quan Wang, Haifeng Wang, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu
The key to our approach is to represent the n-ary structure of a fact as a small heterogeneous graph, and model this graph with edge-biased fully-connected attention.
3 code implementations • 20 Feb 2021 • Benfeng Xu, Quan Wang, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu, Zhendong Mao
Our experiments demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed entity structure and the effectiveness of SSAN.
Ranked #3 on Relation Extraction on DocRED
no code implementations • Asian Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 • Wenbin Jiang, Mengfei Guo, Yufeng Chen, Ying Li, Jinan Xu, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu
This paper describes a novel multi-view classification model for knowledge graph completion, where multiple classification views are performed based on both content and context information for candidate triple evaluation.
no code implementations • Asian Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 • Zhifan Feng, Qi Wang, Wenbin Jiang, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu
Named entity disambiguation is an important task that plays the role of bridge between text and knowledge.
no code implementations • Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 • Fayuan Li, Weihua Peng, Yuguang Chen, Quan Wang, Lu Pan, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu
Most traditional approaches formulate this task as classification problems, with event types or argument roles taken as golden labels.
3 code implementations • 6 Nov 2019 • Quan Wang, Pingping Huang, Haifeng Wang, Songtai Dai, Wenbin Jiang, Jing Liu, Yajuan Lyu, Yong Zhu, Hua Wu
This work presents Contextualized Knowledge Graph Embedding (CoKE), a novel paradigm that takes into account such contextual nature, and learns dynamic, flexible, and fully contextualized entity and relation embeddings.
no code implementations • ACL 2019 • Pingping Huang, Jianhui Huang, Yuqing Guo, Min Qiao, Yong Zhu
Attention mechanisms are widely used in Visual Question Answering (VQA) to search for visual clues related to the question.