Search Results for author: Yongbo Wang

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Relation Aware Semi-autoregressive Semantic Parsing for NL2SQL

no code implementations2 Aug 2021 Junyang Huang, Yongbo Wang, Yongliang Wang, Yang Dong, Yanghua Xiao

It first learns relation embedding over the schema entities and question words with predefined schema relations with ELECTRA and relation aware transformer layer as backbone.

Relation Semantic Parsing

SeaD: End-to-end Text-to-SQL Generation with Schema-aware Denoising

1 code implementation Findings (NAACL) 2022 Kuan Xu, Yongbo Wang, Yongliang Wang, Zujie Wen, Yang Dong

In text-to-SQL task, seq-to-seq models often lead to sub-optimal performance due to limitations in their architecture.

Decoder Denoising +3

NAIRS: A Neural Attentive Interpretable Recommendation System

no code implementations20 Feb 2019 Shuai Yu, Yongbo Wang, Min Yang, Baocheng Li, Qiang Qu, Jialie Shen

In this paper, we develop a neural attentive interpretable recommendation system, named NAIRS.

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