Search Results for author: Yongchang Cao

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Integrating BERT and Score-based Feature Gates for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis

no code implementations AACL (NLP-TEA) 2020 Yongchang Cao, Liang He, Robert Ridley, Xinyu Dai

This paper describes our proposed model for the Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) task in NLPTEA2020.

Lingma SWE-GPT: An Open Development-Process-Centric Language Model for Automated Software Improvement

1 code implementation1 Nov 2024 Yingwei Ma, Rongyu Cao, Yongchang Cao, Yue Zhang, Jue Chen, Yibo Liu, Yuchen Liu, Binhua Li, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li

The results demonstrate that Lingma SWE-GPT 72B successfully resolves 30. 20% of the GitHub issues, marking a significant improvement in automatic issue resolution (22. 76% relative improvement compared to Llama 3. 1 405B), approaching the performance of closed-source models (31. 80\% issues of GPT-4o resolved).

Language Modeling Language Modelling

Codev-Bench: How Do LLMs Understand Developer-Centric Code Completion?

1 code implementation2 Oct 2024 Zhenyu Pan, Rongyu Cao, Yongchang Cao, Yingwei Ma, Binhua Li, Fei Huang, Han Liu, Yongbin Li

Code completion, a key downstream task in code generation, is one of the most frequent and impactful methods for enhancing developer productivity in software development.

Code Completion Code Generation

Make BERT-based Chinese Spelling Check Model Enhanced by Layerwise Attention and Gaussian Mixture Model

no code implementations27 Dec 2023 Yongchang Cao, Liang He, Zhen Wu, Xinyu Dai

Meanwhile, to incorporate implicit hierarchical linguistic knowledge within the encoder, we propose a novel form of n-gram-based layerwise self-attention to generate a multilayer representation.

Part-Of-Speech Tagging POS +1

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