no code implementations • EMNLP 2021 • Zhiyuan Ma, Jianjun Li, Zezheng Zhang, GuoHui Li, Yongjing Cheng
Based on such a mechanism, we further propose an intention reasoning network (IR-Net), which consists of joint and multi-hop reasoning, to obtain intention-aware representations of conceptual tokens that can be used to capture the concept shifts involved in task-oriented conversations, so as to effectively identify user’s intention and generate more accurate responses.
no code implementations • ACL 2022 • Zhiyuan Ma, Jianjun Li, GuoHui Li, Yongjing Cheng
Specifically, we first embed the multimodal features into a unified Transformer semantic space to prompt inter-modal interactions, and then devise a feature alignment and intention reasoning (FAIR) layer to perform cross-modal entity alignment and fine-grained key-value reasoning, so as to effectively identify user’s intention for generating more accurate responses.
no code implementations • COLING 2022 • Zhiyuan Ma, Jianjun Li, GuoHui Li, Yongjing Cheng
Accurate fact verification depends on performing fine-grained reasoning over crucial entities by capturing their latent logical relations hidden in multiple evidence clues, which is generally lacking in existing fact verification models.