Search Results for author: Yongshuai Huang

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Self-distillation Regularized Connectionist Temporal Classification Loss for Text Recognition: A Simple Yet Effective Approach

1 code implementation17 Aug 2023 Ziyin Zhang, Ning Lu, Minghui Liao, Yongshuai Huang, Cheng Li, Min Wang, Wei Peng

It incorporates a framewise regularization term in CTC loss to emphasize individual supervision, and leverages the maximizing-a-posteriori of latent alignment to solve the inconsistency problem that arises in distillation between CTC-based models.

Improving Table Structure Recognition with Visual-Alignment Sequential Coordinate Modeling

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Yongshuai Huang, Ning Lu, Dapeng Chen, Yibo Li, Zecheng Xie, Shenggao Zhu, Liangcai Gao, Wei Peng

The ablation study also validates that the proposed coordinate sequence decoder and the visual-alignment loss are the keys to the success of our method.

Decoder Image to text

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