Search Results for author: Yongxiang Huang

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

Towards Fine-Grained Explainability for Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network

1 code implementation23 Dec 2023 Tong Li, Jiale Deng, Yanyan Shen, Luyu Qiu, Yongxiang Huang, Caleb Chen Cao

Heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNs) are prominent approaches to node classification tasks on heterogeneous graphs.

Graph Neural Network Node Classification

A Causal Framework to Unify Common Domain Generalization Approaches

no code implementations13 Jul 2023 Nevin L. Zhang, Kaican Li, Han Gao, Weiyan Xie, Zhi Lin, Zhenguo Li, Luning Wang, Yongxiang Huang

Domain generalization (DG) is about learning models that generalize well to new domains that are related to, but different from, the training domain(s).

Domain Generalization

Model Debiasing via Gradient-based Explanation on Representation

no code implementations20 May 2023 Jindi Zhang, Luning Wang, Dan Su, Yongxiang Huang, Caleb Chen Cao, Lei Chen

Machine learning systems produce biased results towards certain demographic groups, known as the fairness problem.

Disentanglement Fairness +1

Consistency Regularization for Domain Generalization with Logit Attribution Matching

1 code implementation13 May 2023 Han Gao, Kaican Li, Weiyan Xie, Zhi Lin, Yongxiang Huang, Luning Wang, Caleb Chen Cao, Nevin L. Zhang

In this paper, we consider a third, lesser-known setting where a training domain is endowed with a collection of pairs of examples that share the same semantic information.

Data Augmentation Domain Generalization

Edge-variational Graph Convolutional Networks for Uncertainty-aware Disease Prediction

no code implementations6 Sep 2020 Yongxiang Huang, Albert C. S. Chung

There is a rising need for computational models that can complementarily leverage data of different modalities while investigating associations between subjects for population-based disease analysis.

Disease Prediction Representation Learning

CELNet: Evidence Localization for Pathology Images using Weakly Supervised Learning

no code implementations16 Sep 2019 Yongxiang Huang, Albert C. S. Chung

Despite deep convolutional neural networks boost the performance of image classification and segmentation in digital pathology analysis, they are usually weak in interpretability for clinical applications or require heavy annotations to achieve object localization.

Image Classification Object Localization +1

Improving High Resolution Histology Image Classification with Deep Spatial Fusion Network

no code implementations27 Jul 2018 Yongxiang Huang, Albert Chi-shing Chung

Although convolutional neural networks (CNN) have advantages in extracting discriminative features in image classification, directly training a CNN on high resolution histology images is computationally infeasible currently.

Classification General Classification +2

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