no code implementations • 11 Apr 2020 • Hyunjae Kim, Yookyung Koh, Jinheon Baek, Jaewoo Kang
Also, we analyze how neural models solve spatial reasoning tests with visual aids.
1 code implementation • 28 Feb 2019 • Jinho Lee, Raehyun Kim, Yookyung Koh, Jaewoo Kang
Moreover, the results show that future stock prices can be predicted even if the training and testing procedures are done in different countries.
2 code implementations • 9 Nov 2018 • Yonggyu Park, Junhyun Lee, Yookyung Koh, Inyeop Lee, Jinhyuk Lee, Jaewoo Kang
However, in designing a typeface, it is difficult to keep the style of various characters consistent, especially for languages with lots of morphological variations such as Chinese.