Search Results for author: Yoshinari Fujinuma

Found 11 papers, 4 papers with code

A Multi-Modal Multilingual Benchmark for Document Image Classification

no code implementations25 Oct 2023 Yoshinari Fujinuma, Siddharth Varia, Nishant Sankaran, Srikar Appalaraju, Bonan Min, Yogarshi Vyas

Document image classification is different from plain-text document classification and consists of classifying a document by understanding the content and structure of documents such as forms, emails, and other such documents.

Classification Document Classification +4

Diable: Efficient Dialogue State Tracking as Operations on Tables

1 code implementation26 May 2023 Pietro Lesci, Yoshinari Fujinuma, Momchil Hardalov, Chao Shang, Yassine Benajiba, Lluis Marquez

Sequence-to-sequence state-of-the-art systems for dialogue state tracking (DST) use the full dialogue history as input, represent the current state as a list with all the slots, and generate the entire state from scratch at each dialogue turn.

Dialogue State Tracking

Semi-Supervised Joint Estimation of Word and Document Readability

1 code implementation NAACL (TextGraphs) 2021 Yoshinari Fujinuma, Masato Hagiwara

Readability or difficulty estimation of words and documents has been investigated independently in the literature, often assuming the existence of extensive annotated resources for the other.

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