Search Results for author: Yoshiro Kitamura

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

Segmentation of Kidney Tumors on Non-Contrast CT Images using Protuberance Detection Network

no code implementations8 Dec 2023 Taro Hatsutani, Akimichi Ichinose, Keigo Nakamura, Yoshiro Kitamura

In this paper, we present a novel framework, which can explicitly capture protruded regions in kidneys to enable a better segmentation of kidney tumors.

Segmentation Tumor Segmentation

Image Synthesis-based Late Stage Cancer Augmentation and Semi-Supervised Segmentation for MRI Rectal Cancer Staging

no code implementations8 Dec 2023 Saeko Sasuga, Akira Kudo, Yoshiro Kitamura, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Atsushi Hamabe, Masayuki Ishii, Ichiro Takemasa

To tackle this, we propose two kinds of approaches of image synthesis-based late stage cancer augmentation and semi-supervised learning which is designed for T-stage prediction.

Data Augmentation Image Generation +1

TopNet: Topology Preserving Metric Learning for Vessel Tree Reconstruction and Labelling

no code implementations18 Sep 2020 Deepak Keshwani, Yoshiro Kitamura, Satoshi Ihara, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first deep learning based approach which learns multi-label tree structure connectivity from images.

Deep Learning Metric Learning +2

Virtual Thin Slice: 3D Conditional GAN-based Super-resolution for CT Slice Interval

no code implementations30 Aug 2019 Akira Kudo, Yoshiro Kitamura, Yuanzhong Li, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra

In this paper, we present a novel architecture based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) with the goal of generating high resolution images of main body parts including head, chest, abdomen and legs.

Anatomy Diversity +2

Computation of Total Kidney Volume from CT images in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease using Multi-Task 3D Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations7 Sep 2018 Deepak Keshwani, Yoshiro Kitamura, Yuanzhong Li

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) characterized by progressive growth of renal cysts is the most prevalent and potentially lethal monogenic renal disease, affecting one in every 500-100 people.

Image Segmentation Medical Image Segmentation +1

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