1 code implementation • 28 Jul 2023 • Youjie Zhou, Guofeng Mei, Yiming Wang, Fabio Poiesi, Yi Wan
This paper presents an investigation into the estimation of optical and scene flow using RGBD information in scenarios where the RGB modality is affected by noise or captured in dark environments.
1 code implementation • 31 Oct 2021 • Youjie Zhou, Yiming Wang, Fabio Poiesi, Qi Qin, Yi Wan
We compare our L3D-based loop closure approach with recent approaches on LiDAR data and achieve state-of-the-art loop closure detection accuracy.
no code implementations • CVPR 2016 • Hongkai Yu, Youjie Zhou, Jeff Simmons, Craig P. Przybyla, Yuewei Lin, Xiaochuan Fan, Yang Mi, Song Wang
In particular, the within-group association is modeled by a nonrigid 2D Thin-Plate transform and a sequence of group shrinking, group growing and group merging operations are then developed to refine the composition of each group.
no code implementations • ICCV 2015 • Yuewei Lin, Kareem Ezzeldeen, Youjie Zhou, Xiaochuan Fan, Hongkai Yu, Hui Qian, Song Wang
Wearable cameras, such as Google Glass and Go Pro, enable video data collection over larger areas and from different views.
no code implementations • 5 Sep 2015 • Yuewei Lin, Jing Chen, Yu Cao, Youjie Zhou, Lingfeng Zhang, Yuan Yan Tang, Song Wang
By adopting a natural and widely used assumption -- "the data samples from the same class should lay on a low-dimensional subspace, even if they come from different domains", the proposed method circumvents the limitation of the global domain shift, and solves the cross-domain recognition by finding the compact joint subspaces of source and target domain.
no code implementations • 11 Jul 2015 • Hongkai Yu, Youjie Zhou, Hui Qian, Min Xian, Yuewei Lin, Dazhou Guo, Kang Zheng, Kareem Abdelfatah, Song Wang
In this paper, we develop a new LooseCut algorithm that can handle cases where the input bounding box only loosely covers the foreground object.
no code implementations • 28 Jan 2015 • Youjie Zhou, Hongkai Yu, Song Wang
Although dense local spatial-temporal features with bag-of-features representation achieve state-of-the-art performance for action recognition, the huge feature number and feature size prevent current methods from scaling up to real size problems.