Search Results for author: Young-Hak Kim

Found 12 papers, 5 papers with code

InMD-X: Large Language Models for Internal Medicine Doctors

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Hansle Gwon, Imjin Ahn, Hyoje Jung, Byeolhee Kim, Young-Hak Kim, Tae Joon Jun

In this paper, we introduce InMD-X, a collection of multiple large language models specifically designed to cater to the unique characteristics and demands of Internal Medicine Doctors (IMD).

NOTE: Notable generation Of patient Text summaries through Efficient approach based on direct preference optimization

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Imjin Ahn, Hansle Gwon, Young-Hak Kim, Tae Joon Jun, Sanghyun Park

The discharge summary is a one of critical documents in the patient journey, encompassing all events experienced during hospitalization, including multiple visits, medications, tests, surgery/procedures, and admissions/discharge.

parameter-efficient fine-tuning

UniHPF : Universal Healthcare Predictive Framework with Zero Domain Knowledge

no code implementations15 Nov 2022 Kyunghoon Hur, JungWoo Oh, Junu Kim, Jiyoun Kim, Min Jae Lee, Eunbyeol Cho, Seong-Eun Moon, Young-Hak Kim, Edward Choi

Despite the abundance of Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR), its heterogeneity restricts the utilization of medical data in building predictive models.

GenHPF: General Healthcare Predictive Framework with Multi-task Multi-source Learning

2 code implementations20 Jul 2022 Kyunghoon Hur, JungWoo Oh, Junu Kim, Jiyoun Kim, Min Jae Lee, Eunbyeol Cho, Seong-Eun Moon, Young-Hak Kim, Louis Atallah, Edward Choi

To address this challenge, we propose General Healthcare Predictive Framework (GenHPF), which is applicable to any EHR with minimal preprocessing for multiple prediction tasks.

Feature Engineering Multi-Task Learning

Unifying Heterogeneous Electronic Health Records Systems via Text-Based Code Embedding

1 code implementation12 Nov 2021 Kyunghoon Hur, Jiyoung Lee, JungWoo Oh, Wesley Price, Young-Hak Kim, Edward Choi

EHR systems lack a unified code system forrepresenting medical concepts, which acts asa barrier for the deployment of deep learningmodels in large scale to multiple clinics and hos-pitals.

Representation Learning

Unifying Heterogeneous Electronic Health Records Systems via Text-Based Code Embedding

1 code implementation8 Aug 2021 Kyunghoon Hur, Jiyoung Lee, JungWoo Oh, Wesley Price, Young-Hak Kim, Edward Choi

To overcome this problem, we introduce Description-based Embedding, DescEmb, a code-agnostic description-based representation learning framework for predictive modeling on EHR.

Representation Learning Transfer Learning

Multi-modal Understanding and Generation for Medical Images and Text via Vision-Language Pre-Training

1 code implementation24 May 2021 Jong Hak Moon, Hyungyung Lee, Woncheol Shin, Young-Hak Kim, Edward Choi

Recently a number of studies demonstrated impressive performance on diverse vision-language multi-modal tasks such as image captioning and visual question answering by extending the BERT architecture with multi-modal pre-training objectives.

Image Captioning Medical Visual Question Answering +6

T-Net: Nested encoder-decoder architecture for the main vessel segmentation in coronary angiography

no code implementations10 May 2019 Tae Joon Jun, Jihoon Kweon, Young-Hak Kim, Daeyoung Kim

As a result, all features from the low-level to the high-level extracted from the encoder are delivered from the beginning of the decoder to predict a more accurate mask.

Decoder Image Segmentation +2

ECG arrhythmia classification using a 2-D convolutional neural network

8 code implementations18 Apr 2018 Tae Joon Jun, Hoang Minh Nguyen, Daeyoun Kang, Dohyeun Kim, Daeyoung Kim, Young-Hak Kim

In this paper, we propose an effective electrocardiogram (ECG) arrhythmia classification method using a deep two-dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN) which recently shows outstanding performance in the field of pattern recognition.

Arrhythmia Detection Data Augmentation +1

Automated detection of vulnerable plaque in intravascular ultrasound images

no code implementations18 Apr 2018 Tae Joon Jun, Soo-Jin Kang, June-Goo Lee, Jihoon Kweon, Wonjun Na, Daeyoun Kang, Dohyeun Kim, Daeyoung Kim, Young-Hak Kim

The ACS is usually related to coronary thrombosis and is primarily caused by plaque rupture followed by plaque erosion and calcified nodule.

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