Search Results for author: Youngjun Cho

Found 11 papers, 6 papers with code

Multi-Modal Hybrid Learning and Sequential Training for RGB-T Saliency Detection

no code implementations13 Sep 2023 Guangyu Ren, Jitesh Joshi, Youngjun Cho

To address this, we first propose a Multi-Modal Hybrid loss (MMHL) that comprises supervised and self-supervised loss functions.

Saliency Detection

TextileNet: A Material Taxonomy-based Fashion Textile Dataset

1 code implementation15 Jan 2023 Shu Zhong, Miriam Ribul, Youngjun Cho, Marianna Obrist

At the same time, Net Zero is a global goal and the fashion industry is undergoing a significant change so that textile materials can be reused, repaired and recycled in a sustainable manner.

Self-adversarial Multi-scale Contrastive Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Thermal Facial Images

1 code implementation21 Sep 2022 Jitesh Joshi, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Youngjun Cho

Limited availability of datasets from unconstrained settings further limits the use of the state-of-the-art segmentation networks, loss functions and learning strategies which have been built and validated for RGB images.

Contrastive Learning Image Augmentation +4

Rethinking Eye-blink: Assessing Task Difficulty through Physiological Representation of Spontaneous Blinking

1 code implementation12 Feb 2021 Youngjun Cho

Continuous assessment of task difficulty and mental workload is essential in improving the usability and accessibility of interactive systems.

Mental Workload Estimation

Hearing through Vibrations: Perception of Musical Emotions by Profoundly Deaf People

no code implementations24 Dec 2020 Anastasia Schmitz, Catherine Holloway, Youngjun Cho

Advances in tactile-audio feedback technology have created new possibilities for deaf people to feel music.

Human-Computer Interaction

Physiological and Affective Computing through Thermal Imaging: A Survey

1 code implementation27 Aug 2019 Youngjun Cho, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze

Thermal imaging-based physiological and affective computing is an emerging research area enabling technologies to monitor our bodily functions and understand psychological and affective needs in a contactless manner.

Physiological Computing Survey

DeepBreath: Deep Learning of Breathing Patterns for Automatic Stress Recognition using Low-Cost Thermal Imaging in Unconstrained Settings

2 code implementations20 Aug 2017 Youngjun Cho, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, Simon J. Julier

Finally, a data augmentation technique, inspired from solutions for over-fitting problems in deep learning, is applied to allow the CNN to learn with a small-scale dataset from short-term measurements (e. g., up to a few hours).

Data Augmentation Mental Stress Detection +1

Robust tracking of respiratory rate in high-dynamic range scenes using mobile thermal imaging

no code implementations8 May 2017 Youngjun Cho, Simon J. Julier, Nicolai Marquardt, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze

In this paper, we propose a novel and robust approach for respiration tracking which compensates for the negative effects of variations in the ambient temperature and motion artifacts and can accurately extract breathing rates in highly dynamic thermal scenes.

Physiological Computing Quantization +1

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