Search Results for author: Yuan Mao

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Online Regularized Learning Algorithm for Functional Data

no code implementations24 Nov 2022 Yuan Mao, Zheng-Chu Guo

However, it remains an open problem to obtain capacity independent convergence rates for the estimation error of the unregularized online learning algorithm with decaying step-size.

Coefficient-based Regularized Distribution Regression

no code implementations26 Aug 2022 Yuan Mao, Lei Shi, Zheng-Chu Guo

Compared with the kernel methods for distribution regression in the literature, the algorithm under consideration does not require the kernel to be symmetric and positive semi-definite and hence provides a simple paradigm for designing indefinite kernel methods, which enriches the theme of the distribution regression.


Efficient Misalignment-Robust Multi-Focus Microscopical Images Fusion

1 code implementation21 Dec 2018 Yixiong Liang, Yuan Mao, Zhihong Tang, Meng Yan, Yuqian Zhao, Jianfeng Liu

Our method provides a flexible and efficient way to integrate complementary and redundant information from multiple multi-focus ultra HD unregistered images into a fused image that contains better description than any of the individual input images.

4k Multi Focus Image Fusion +1

Scale-Invariant Structure Saliency Selection for Fast Image Fusion

1 code implementation30 Oct 2018 Yixiong Liang, Yuan Mao, Jiazhi Xia, Yao Xiang, Jianfeng Liu

Specifically, we propose a scale-invariant structure saliency selection scheme based on the difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) pyramid of images to build the weights or activity map.

CNN-Based Automatic Urinary Particles Recognition

no code implementations6 Mar 2018 Rui Kang, Yixiong Liang, Chunyan Lian, Yuan Mao

The urine sediment analysis of particles in microscopic images can assist physicians in evaluating patients with renal and urinary tract diseases.

Object object-detection +1

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